Whoops, wrong musical.
I got this really great gun.
Shit, where is it?
No, it's really great!
Shit, where is it?
Anyway, it's just a .38.
It's a gun!
You can make a statement
With a gun
Even if you fail
It tells them who you are
Where you stand
This one was on sale
No not the shoe
Well, actually, the shoe was, too
No, that's not it
Shit, I had it
Oh!! There it is...
I might volunteer to go into a 19-month coma if it meant I'd wake up to a democracy.
Okay, that idea of a watermelon popsicle for lunch seemed brilliant. Shame about the sautéed ass taste, though.
I am reflexively excited about the iPhone because there isn't anything Mac-happy that I'm more excited about. Probably not enough to open the wallet round one, though.
I got this really great gun.
Charlie Guiteau
Never said "Never"
Or heard the word "No."
Faced with disaster,
His heart would beat faster,
His smile would just grow
In the USA you can have your say
You can set your goals and seize the day
You're given the freedom to work your way
To the head of the line.
What a wonder is a gun
What a versatile invention
First of all, when you've a gun
Everybody pays attention
When you think what must be done
Think of all that you can do--
Remove a scoundrel
Unite a party
Preserve the Union
Promote the sales of my book!
Ensure my future
My niche in history
And then, the world will see
That I am not a man to overlook
People! Today's Monday Musical is
Guys & Dolls:
It's going to be storming right when I'm planning on leaving.
Of course I do not have the umbrella in the office with me.
I was going to put up some of Adelaide's Lament before I broke out the Assassins lyrics, but didn't. I will now, though!
When they get on the train for Niagara
And she can hear churchbells chime
The compartment is air-conditioned
And the mood sublime
Then they get off at Saratoga for the fourteenth time!
A person can develop la grippe
La grippe
La post nasal drip
With the wheezes
And the sneezes
And a sinus that's really a pip!
From lack of community property
And a feeling she's getting too old
A person can develop a big, bad cold!!