I don't know if you are still reading Bobbi-- but I work for nurse educators! And their aren't very many of them because! and Welcome!
Also, that Pooh/piglet quote is one of my favorites-- I still have a card from my high school best friend with it, and it still makes me happy to think of her, even though I don't see her to often (she is currently in Turkey!)
Also-- does anyone have any suggestions for book cases/storage. I used to have all these wooden pear crates that I used, but they are starting to fall aprt (I have had them since 1991, so no real surprise). They don't really make crates like that anymore, so I think I am going to have to spring for bookcases, but I have a lot of requirements, so I don't know if I can:
1. I hate laminate.
2. I don't want to spend a lot of $$$$
3. I have to order on-line or take a cab as I have no car.
4. I live by myself on the second floor, so I have to be able to drag it up there.
5. It has to be fairly easy for one person to put together.
6. I have A LOT of books
I have been thinking about trying to build a bookcase with bricks/boards as that seems a) cheap and b) sort of neat, but I am not sure how sturdy it would be. I am also not above repurposing things (I have a shoe rack that used to be a mail sorter), but nothing I find seems to be able to be repurposed
I figured you might be, Theo -- I mean,
keep obsessing about it, and I have a house and a job umptyhundred miles away.
serial, Tour de France! Dude!
(Dude is trying to give me the heart wackiness, I swear it.)
Tour de France, spoilers:
Seriously, what the hell? Time trial win! Then yesterday, wiped out. Then I turned on the TV this morning, and win!
if the GC guys don't get their asses in shape, Rassmussen is going to win this thing.
Believe me, I'm down with your Also.
Skeletor must not conquer Castle Grayskull! He's the Overlord of Evil!
C'mon, boys!
On the plus side, liking Contador a whole lot, in spite of my known bias against the mountain men. And the Colombian newb has been a hoot, even if
he makes Skeletor look chunky.
Contador and Soler are both adorable. They're like puppies. Mountain-climbing puppies.
I have been thinking about trying to build a bookcase with bricks/boards as that seems a) cheap and b) sort of neat, but I am not sure how sturdy it would be.
I've done that, and they were quite sturdy. Cinderblocks can be good too.
My experience with bricks/boards is that they're far sturdier than anything else I've had. And the fact that you build them in place takes care of the transportation problem, although getting the materials upstairs will be heavy -- you may want to get a friend over for the day just to share the load of schlepping things around.
I am glad to hear that you have had good experiences with the bricks and boards-- I think I will try it. I can probably get my friend's brother to help me schlep, if he is in the area schlepping for her. Although, as a single person I have in the past been amazed at the stuff I can carry up my stairs. Once I brought a six drawer dresser up the stairs all by myself!