Congrats to Dr. Bob bob!
I now have several new unwanted pets—the squirrel that occasionally nests in my bedroom windowsill has at least three hideous little babies stuffed in there now. I just pray they all live long enough to become ambulatory and not require me to remove their remains (the instant all of them are out of that sill under their own power, the storm window is coming down).
Hee! Dylan's a terribly cute little bean himself nowadays. And quite the advanced reader!
Also, yayayay Susan! I've missed your voice and spicy brains!
The smile in this one just kills me dead.
And the baby looks good, too.
I think the pics with the parents in them are my favorite. Mainly because of the utter glee
This is OURS!!!!
that comes through on the parental faces. Kids are pretty damned cute too.
Congrats to Dr. Bob Bob!
I now own a copy of HP7, but haven't started reading it yet.
Do ya pop toe blisters or will they reabsorb pretty fast?
Man, it's been a while since I've had one. Two. Sore spot filled up.
Ew, I wouldn't. But then, I almost never get home with an actual blister -- I usually go straight to hole in skin.
never pop a blister - pop it - and bacteria can get in . Last foot blister the cut a hole in a pice of moleskin so the mole skin was around the blister.
eventually, it will pop, but the longer that is covered, the better