Ah. Money left over from a contract is good. DH was told this year that they love him but can't give him a raise--no $ in the contract.
Thanks, Sarameg (and Brenda M and JenP) for the welcome. Your mom (a teacher) and I (a nurse) have been in the same boat paddling in circles for many years. But we all have our different talents. My DH is a systems analyst. Now in his job for 13 years, he makes boatloads more than I do after 30+ (He started in retail.). It's a good thing. It helps us take care of the quadriped kids. (We have 4: Sam, Bonnie, Lucy, and Punky. They were all adopted through Lab Rescue and are all senior citizens. Punk has diabetes and Cushing's disease, but she's a happy girl and has no clue she's chronically ill.)
So now I'm working on my master's degree so that I can become a nurse educator. You've heard of the nursing shortage? The nurse educator shortage is just as critical. And once I finish and get a job teaching new nurses, I'll make LESS than I make at the bedside. But I'll have summers off.
You do good work, Bobbi. More power (and money!) to you.
Hi Bobbi!
I drove an hour into the big city of Utica to get real food and stopped by the bookstore to pick up a certain recently published book. I passed by the very very long line of people waiting in the drizzly rain with temps in the high 50s to see what I could find. Looked over the new release tables, looked in the Humor section. No luck. Went to the service counter and indeed they showed 6 copies of WtVPPLtL. The clerk searched with me but no luck. I told her I would come back on a calmer day.
Last night I got through about half of
Room Service.
I think all those people standing in line in the cold rain could have used a copy of that one to keep warm.
::fans self::
No idea what is on the agenda this weekend. I bought some bunny fencing to make a bunny pen outside for Trogdor. Replacing some wall board in the kitchen might happen. We'll see how energetic I get.
I don't think I've ever gotten a raise that wasn't couched as a promotion, actually. And I've gotten a new title without more money at least once.
Hi, Laura. I didn't find that book where I was told it would be--the humor section. Instead, it was on the New Nonfiction table right at the front door. And drywall is fun. I learned drywall because my first pup enlarged an existing hole in the basement wall. And my sister has a bunny named Hazel.
My weekend plans include finding homes for needy Labs (a Lab Rescue adoption day) tomorrow. Sunday remains vague. I'm off grad school for the first long stretch in 2 years and I keep telling myself I'm going to get my house clean, my closets and drawers straight, etc. But I keep reading and watching DVDs instead. It's just so nice to veg.
I'm watching some model show on TLC and the girls are all saying, "I've never walked before," and it's TOTALLY the model-world equivalent of a woman at an early job asking me if I'd ever opened mail before. Of course I have! Just not professionally.
I'm off grad school for the first long stretch in 2 years and I keep telling myself I'm going to get my house clean, my closets and drawers straight, etc.
Aww, babe, enjoy the vegging instead. Including here!
of a woman at an early job asking me if I'd ever opened mail before.
"Actually, no. I wonder if that's why my heat won't turn on?"
I didn't find that book where I was told it would be
I checked all the tables up front, but the place was such a zoo it wasn't easy. Computer says they are there, so the next trip in that direction I'll try again. I could pick up that book I hear is available later today then too.