By the way, Lee, I wouldn't say no to a Monday 10 A.M. "ARE YOU AWAKE YET?" call. I've done these before, and it's probably okay, but it would be good to be awake. Although actually ATH!T will probably wake me up.
I will do my best to call you. E me the best number.
Cell number. The only number!
I can do that! I will email myself that I should.
Besides which, I'll be seeing you before then.
This is true! Yay.
We need to work out details still though.
Odd. I'm doing some research, and looking at a bunch of draft cards from WWII. There are checkboxes to check off race. The options are White, Negro, Oriental, Indian, and Filipino. I'm really wondering how they decided on those as the options.
There are also check boxes for complexion: Sallow, Light, Ruddy, Dark, Freckled, Light Brown, Dark Brown, Black. "Dark" seems to have been used for relatively dark-skinned white people.
waves hello to Susan
Good to see your electrons around here again!
I'm of the one-handbag-at-a-time school of ownership, but I'm actually thinking of buying a confidence-building pretty 'interview' bag from my local crafts store.
Of course, I could knit one, given enough time.
I got one from a boy who talked about net relationships helping him be less lonely and it struck a chord for him on that.
See, now that's what I'm talking about. So awesome.
The options are White, Negro, Oriental, Indian, and Filipino. I'm really wondering how they decided on those as the options.
That's just... odd.
There are also check boxes for complexion: Sallow, Light, Ruddy, Dark, Freckled, Light Brown, Dark Brown, Black. "Dark" seems to have been used for relatively dark-skinned white people.
Now this is something I still come across -- I like to do these market research surveys, and sometimes they're about makeup or something, and include a question about complexion. Usually it's just light/medium/dark, but I've already told them my race, so I'm never sure if they mean dark for a person or dark for a white person!
I probably buy four or five bags a year. Some of them are just "ooh! shiny!" and others are part of an ongoing quest for the perfect every day bag. Though my last buy is as close to that as I've managed, so maybe I can hold off for a while?