9 Year-old Steals Mother’s Car … From His Kidnappers
Police in China received a report that a 9 year-old boy had crashed into an agricultural vehicle. What they found out was shocking.
“A small boy got out of the car with his hands shaking and said: “Some people stole my mom’s car, and I drove it away when they weren’t paying attention”.”
The boy and his mother had been riding in the vehicle earlier that day when robbers pulled the mother from her car and stole the car with the boy in it.
Passing vehicles said they did not stop to help because they thought it was a domestic disturbance.
Now I'm curious how they interviewed the passing vehicles.
We should be so lucky. (It's two different interfaces.)
Yikes, shrift.
I have no dairy like substance in my apartment right now, and thus I must leave the apartment before I can have coffee.
It's not as bad as seeing a corpse, but then again I might not notice if I did.
Passing vehicles said they did not stop to help because they thought it was a domestic disturbance.
Um, buh? Even if it was a domestic disturbance, doesn't dumping the other parent on the side of the road and driving off with the kid qualify for, if not intervening ('cause, possibly crazy person, weapons, etc.), at least a call to 911 to say "Hey, I just saw a dad dump mom by the side of the road and drive off with the kid, can someone check to make sure she's okay?"
Between that and the dead body shrift saw, it's only 7:20 and I am already unimpressed with today's humans.
But very impressed with today's deer, so that's something.
The deer was lovely, the dog-and-deer adorable. Laura's son ... um ... if I were a LOT younger I'd be making tracks to Otter Lake.
Happy birthday, SA!
I don't mind sharing your pain wrt badfic, I just want a warning.
That takes away the mystery. Which, okay, is sometimes merciful.
Dana, thank you for the link to good fic yesterday.
I'm out of my Lupin/Tonks mood and feel the need for Ron/Hermione now.
I miss looking out the back door of my house in rural Pennsylvania and seeing the deer wandiering around in the morning mist.
I miss fireflies, too. And whipoorwills.