Oy. Rough.
So. I've just had some drama. N, the g-grand-daughter from next door knocks, asks to use my phone. Calls cops.
Seems her grandfather has moved in. Alleged threats to her person and all that, though I don't know when. She's really upset. I had her sit with me in my apt until the cops arrived.
It's all kinds of fucked up and I don't know up from down. In the tangled words that poured out of her, it could be a lot of things. All I know is I had a very upset 17 year old at my door. I don't really know what's going on. But I'll answer that door and hand over that phone. No matter what.
At least the cops gave her a person/place to contact, and some advice. And hopefully, their decision to depart was sound.
I don't know. I really don't. I know these people. And there's more that I'll never know.
And now I think I'll have a really stiff drink.
It gets more complicated (for me) as I had asked the g-grandmother to watch Devi while I'm gone.
I trust her with that. I don't know how she'll react to my involvement in all this. Not so sure about the grandfather's presence. May punt and end up asking T and her dad.
Ggm and her sister are ...um...put it this way...I'm pretty certain from things they've said that they've been abused by the men in their families. But they wouldn't call it that. So.
ION, however, I wish I had thought of this: [link] Werner Herzog or Charles Barkley?
Oh dear... Now I off reading Barkley quotes. I blame the fact that he and I got to Phoenix at the same time, but I do like the idiot. And he never gave a boring interview.
Oy, sarameg. I hope the drink is helping ease the after effects of the drama.
In completely random news, I'm watching TDS, and his guest is Matt Groening(sp?), but somehow, in my mind, I was expecting the blond South Park guy, so when a man who has, say, fifteen years on him walked out, I was VERY concerned for his health. And then I realized, Simpsons. Not South Park. I think this means I'm past my bedtime. Hope I wasn't supposed to wf TDS guests.
It's got to be frustrating being intellectually five or six and linguistically, what, two?
And it seems like that might spiral if he got frustrated or was tired.
Well, courtesy of a drink and losing half my dinner due to post-nasal drip, I'm now quite a bit drunk.
People need to abide by my wishes for them to follow my rules. DAMNIT.
But some nights we go from laughing hugging mac to yelling mac 5-6 times from 6pm to 9pm.
Poor youse. It's hard on him, I'm sure, to process all the ways in which you've changed his life, nevermind all the ways in which he's changing yours (that part won't register for another, what?, 15 to 20 years or so). Yeah, he's acting out a bit, boundary testing--so what? He'll work it through eventually.