Thanks guys. I think I'm going to pass and keep looking for the one true shoe.
I'm still pondering the idea of a water shoe, but I'm sure I'll catch up with y'all.
I know people who won't go near water without aqua socks. Crazy but true. I bought a pair when I went down south but wore them for all of five minutes.
No one looked at the tourism ad for Paris, France, that has rugby players kissing?
MALE rugby players?
Oh, I looked. And sent the link to my sister. My family is grateful to you.
I love water shoes for canoeing in creeks with rocky beds. Or wading by rocky beaches. Any combination of water and rocks, really.
I love water shoes, too. Having stepped on sharp seashells and suchlike (say that five times fast) I prefer to have my feet protected in unfamiliar places.
Right now I'm jonesing for the feel of sifting sand through my toes, so although I understand the English of water shoes, I don't feel them.
Bleaching my hair with new stuff. Whose instructions didn't match the ingredients, but never mind. It's only hair. And not that much of it.
Gmail seems to have decided I shouldn't get any of the email that people also on gmail sent me for the last hour or so.
Hate that.
The new bleach is stupid and I'll have to touch up in the morning. Ah, well. Live and learn.
So, my parents just got back from their local independent bookstore, and The Book was sold out! (Theo, was that all you?) They re-ordered.
Which store? I have been trying to be patient with another local scifi type store in Cambridge where I ordered a copy and recommended they have it on the shelves (guys solution: order two copies) and their customer service, is, how you say, not so great. The dude said last week that he'd have it by the end of last week, now it's the end of this week, and I suspect that it will be actually the August release date or something and I want to dispatch Tom to a B&N but then I'll need to buy the Local Independant Bookstore copy and I think I'm really, really going to need some good reading this weekend, since I'll be at the beach and it looks like the weather will be totally shitty.
In conclusion, WANT. WANT NOW.