There was a party at my apartment garden last night. A couple brought their six year old. I was pretty furious, as it was already 9pm, people were smoking both pot and cigarettes, there was a lot of drinking and swearing. Dude. ASK before you bring your kid to a grown up party is A, and B is, your kid is going to be all fucked up. The answer is not locking him in a strange apartment with Nickelodeon on and checking on him now and again while he runs around like a loon. At 10:30, I could still hear the kid whining about being left alone when I went to go to bed.
Also? It's not cute that your six year old is trained to get you beers when you're finished with the current one. It's sad, especially coupled with the fact that you have to yell at him to not whip it out and pee on a tree.
Allyson that sucks so much. I wish I didn't have to see people being mean to their kids as often as I do. The other day I was wondering what kind of long-term-effects having no bedtime has on kids. I'm blown away by how many people drag their kids to see movies that start after 8.
We were going to schedule a demo lesson when I found out about jury duty. So, what, "Thank you but I don't think it'll be the best fit"?
That's so not cool, Allyson. Parents should reallyy read their owners manual.
When I was graduating, I signed up for a campus interview from this company I knew nothing about. The interviewer described the workplace. They had a really strict dress code. ("We were thinking about allowing people to wear sportsjackets to lunch, but we decided against it.") He described how all new hires were to do phone support for six months. Then he turned to me, and the very first question he asked was, "Tell me, Tom, why do you want to work for us?"
What do you say at that point?
Then he turned to me, and the very first question he asked was, "Tell me, Tom, why do you want to work for us?"
Ha! "Well, here's the thing, Dick. I'm about to graduate from college, and I'm going to need a regular paycheck."
We were going to schedule a demo lesson when I found out about jury duty. So, what, "Thank you but I don't think it'll be the best fit"?
Sure. Especially if the scheduling is going to be a problem.
"Tell me, Tom, why do you want to work for us?"
"Because I am insane."
"Because the voices in my head told me to."
"Because I'm a bad man and I deserve to suffer."
"Tell me, Tom, why do you want to work for us?"
"Sorry, but I've just remembered I left the gas on. Gotta go!"
"Tell me,
why do you think I do want to?"
I'm blown away by how many people drag their kids to see movies that start after 8.
Not to mention how many parents you see bringing little kids into graphic horror movies. You should share your story about the guy who asked for his money back during...what was it,
The Hills Have Eyes?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
That story really sticks with me. (Laga is a theater manager, so she sees a lot of benign child abuse, IMHO.)
Tom, that's when you say, "Ever since I was a child watching
Family Ties
and idolizing Alex Keaton,
I knew someday I would find a company that would surpass even those high ideals."