It finally rained here. It's been threatening for three days and finally delivered. About time, my car needed a wash.
I think I'm just going to pave over the grass.
I know someone who ripped out her lawn and xeroscaped the whole thing with rocks and sculpture. My sister planted enough trees around her house that she only has a small lawn left to mow. When I get a house, I may just buy goats.
Help me out, guys. What's the polite way of saying, "thanks for interviewing me, but I think I'm going to look at schools where discipline isn't such a major problem, so we don't need to schedule the second interview"? Just "I've decided to look elsewhere"? Or what? I feel a little weird about cutting off a possible job at this stage, but it's reasonable to want not to struggle so much with discipline at my next job, right? Right?
Kat, I've seen recipes...
Though I'll tell you straight up, it doesn't ever thicken if you try yogurt.
Ha! We once bought a quarter of a cow. But then the roommate left the freezer partly open and it spoiled. After we'd used a bunch of it, but still. Not entirely their fault, the freezer was lousy.
Since we have the nifty subzeros, we'll probably put a full sized upright freezer in place of where a normal fridge/freezer would go.
Friends of our family once bought an entire steer. The weird thing is: they had their pictures taken with it before it was slaughtered.
On the farm we generally sold all bull calves for veal. Occasionally we'd keep one until just before maturity and then slaughter it. We'd have a big-ass freezer full of hamburger and steak that would last half a year (IIRC).
I feel a little weird about cutting off a possible job at this stage, but it's reasonable to want not to struggle so much with discipline at my next job, right? Right?
Right. And yeah, I think what you said is fine. It'll be potentially awkward no matter what.
Sometimes - just sometimes - I miss living on a big farm.
it's reasonable to want not to struggle so much with discipline at my next job, right? Right?
Absolutely right. If you don't think it's a good fit, there's still time to find another place.
For the polite way to turn it down, have they called you for a second interview or are you being preemptive?
Oh yeah, "not a good fit" is an excellent thing to say!
There was a party at my apartment garden last night. A couple brought their six year old. I was pretty furious, as it was already 9pm, people were smoking both pot and cigarettes, there was a lot of drinking and swearing. Dude. ASK before you bring your kid to a grown up party is A, and B is, your kid is going to be all fucked up. The answer is not locking him in a strange apartment with Nickelodeon on and checking on him now and again while he runs around like a loon. At 10:30, I could still hear the kid whining about being left alone when I went to go to bed.
Also? It's not cute that your six year old is trained to get you beers when you're finished with the current one. It's sad, especially coupled with the fact that you have to yell at him to not whip it out and pee on a tree.