What's the best way to get temporary tattoo off one's skin? Should I try to dig out the rubbing alcohol?
Eeek, no. Use an oil. Baby oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, something like that. Heck, even baby wipes or makeup remover cloths would do a better job than rubbing alcohol.
Rolling Stone
article on Giuliani: [link]
Yes, Rudy is smarter than Bush. But his political strength -- and he knows it -- comes from America's unrelenting passion for never bothering to take that extra step to figure shit out. If you think you know it all already, Rudy agrees with you. And if anyone tries to tell you differently, they're probably traitors, and Rudy, well, he'll keep an eye on 'em for you. Just like Bush, Rudy appeals to the couch-bound bully in all of us, and part of the allure of his campaign is the promise to put the Pentagon and the power of the White House at that bully's disposal.
What's the best way to get temporary tattoo off one's skin?
I was going to say baby oil or olive oil, but other's said it first. I just removed Isaac's dinosaur tatoo last night. Franny's Snow White is still holding out, but I think the sandbox play today should finish her off.
As long as the straight woman realizes that nothing is likely to come of it.
I'd like to clarify that my oblivious friend was, like, planning their wedding? In a way that was kind of scary?
Nevermind. I'll just be over here trying not to strangle my supervisor for micromanaging me from the comfort of his home.
Can I have an infusion of energy, please? Also a warm blanket.
Can I have an infusion of energy, please? Also a warm blanket
Me too, me too!
Barring the energy, I'd like permission to take a nap until it's time to go home.
Damn, I can't believe I'm still finding LOLCat stuff that's making me laugh....
ION, DIY time machine: [link]
You are preggers. NAP.
Will you bring me a hammock?