Cindy, it sounds like you did exactly what needs to be done. And with the bonus of not having to wait in the ER with the other sick folk.
I actually did go to the E.R. before anyone here answered, I called my cousin who is an RN. She insisted I take Julia in, and said they'd definitely want to give her a tetanus booster and probably an anti-biotic. My mother then called and echoed my cousin's instructions.
After waiting about an hour or hour and a half, Julia was finally seen in the E.R. fast track. The doctor removed the bandage, looked at it, asked if an electric stapler injured her, was surprised that it was just a crappy desk stapler from Walgreen's, and did absolutely nothing. When I asked if he had any instructions for keeping it clean/caring for it -- he said no.
I thought of you Kat, and the frustration with dealing with hospitals, while we were there. I couldn't take the strain you're under with the sort of grace and courage you exhibit all the time, while your children are so fragile.
After Julia had been through triage, and registration but before she was seen, we were waiting in the waiting room. I asked her to show me her hospital bracelet. She did. It was for a 63 year old man named Robert Edward [Last Name]. We read it aloud and as it turns out, we were waiting near his family. We called over the triage nurse who took the bracelet off Julia but never returned with a new one. Robert's family went to his bedside make sure he had the right bracelet. He did, but apparently hadn't gotten any bracelet inside, and instead they'd brought one to him after he was already in bed.
TIRED. All in favor of a nap raise your hand.
::raises hand::
I missed a leap in here somewhere. Where does the non-thinking come in?
Instead of taking it all on faith, so to speak. Feeling free to speak up and ask if a particular practice makes any sense, like substituting grape juice for what clearly was intended to be wine. Thinking about whether transubstantiation is literal or symbolic (and being respectful of other's opinions about it).
An awful lot of Protestant denominations (not just Baptist) switched to grape juice along the line (largely in response to the temperance movement). It often comes up as a topic of conversation in churches. Those churches which have not switched back to fermented wine have stuck with grape juice, so as not to burden those members of the congregation who are recovering alcoholics. Don't assume it's a lack of thinking just because you don't understand it.
TIRED. All in favor of a nap raise your hand.
I was already napping! I am a trendsetter, even when asleep.
Happy Birthday, Cass!!
Looks like I was the one who started the b-day rumors about Sue. I
to type Cass. I
I typed Cass. But my finders did something else.
My brain is going. Remember the other day when I got the mac-n-cheese that had no cheese packet? I found the cheese packet on a shelf. So I took it out and then totally spaced that I did, and probably less than a minute later I was looking in the box for the cheese packet.
I realize people lose a certain amount of memory stuff as they get older. Hopefully I'm in the normal range for that....
tommy, you should have asked. I knew there was a cheese packet around there somewhere.
I have a dilemma. Do I fill my Percocet prescription now or not? I tried at my normal pharmacy, and they didn't have the right dosage or whatever. But right now the brain hurts the least it has in days, and I worry that the effort of tracking it down mean I'll need to take it. But if I need to take it and don't have it...
What this really means is that I should do a load of laundry and then think about it then.
Happy father's day to fathers on the board!
Completely unrelatedly, Nifong disbarred. I'm curious to hear opinions from people who know more about the law than I do.
ita, fill the prescription.
Fill the prescription.
On Nifong, the little I heard seemed pretty straightforward. He kept important evidence hidden from the defense. You don't get to do that and keep your lawyerly credentials.
Not to worry Tom, your brain apparently took off with mine, and several other fine brains I know and they are having a fun vacation. Not sure when, if ever they will return. But the brains they are enjoying themselves.
I'm sure there is stuff I skipped. But I skipped.
Back from the game. We had seats right behind the visitor's dugout, which was nice and close, but also in the sun the whole time. I have sunburn in a few places that either I missed with the sunscreen or forgot. We left during the 14th inning, so I dont know who won. Was nice, all the same.
If I could read the damned prescription, I'd call ahead and make sure I just do the one trip. But it makes sense to take advantage of a lull in pain (I didn't end up doing any laundry, but I totally will on my way out to the pharmacy, I promise. Swear to the Grown Up Gods.) and get shit accomplished that I patently won't be able to do when I'm in that very need.
Besides, copying my Dr. Who files over to the main computer will take a little while. I wish I'd been conscientious about collecting the Confidentials. Bad fan. Bad, bad fan. Hmm, I suppose that might be on the DVD sets I've not yet bought, though...