Yeah, I got busy Doing Things around the house, and suddenly the morning has speeded by me!
Result of this mornings activity: I have more books marked up for Charity (Got Books? is coming for a pickup on Tuesday) and I've discovered that I have more yarn than I realized. Like... a lot more....
Frank, I hope it works out for you. I do apologise if it didn't since I went to sleep at about 6 last night and woke up more than 12 hours later--I may have been hogging more REM than is my share.
And in fact, I'm about to make a late acupuncture cancellation and go right back to bed, since I don't have to teach this morning, and my head feels like hell.
So if you haven't gotten your share of sleep yet, you'd better hurry. I'm about to grab whatever I can.
I'm not sure if I should preface this with an apology or not, but I have to share this.
I don't even know what to say. That's a COMMERCIAL? I mean, the doggy style rock fucking seems a little, um much for tv.
I mean, the doggy style rock fucking seems a little, um much for tv.
Maybe for American TV....
the doggy style rock fucking
My complete inability to understand this sentence made me go back and click the link.
Look! I'm up and showered! On a Saturday!!! Okay, it's mostly because I'm having things delivered and I'm not sure when they'll get here, but still! I actually read some of the thing I'm supposed to! At this rate, maybe I'll actually write the two emails I've been putting off and find myself a job. Or... maybe not.
I can't decide whether to ascribe this to taking my meds regularly again or just being out of school. Either way, it's kind of cool. Morning, everybody! Er, except the Central & Eastern people, for whom: good afternoon!
I'm slacking more than Emily! GO ME.
I have not showered. Or dressed. I did flip out like a mammal last night, as (wf for the easily creeped)
I live in what is basically a basement, and I have moved nearly all my furniture. So, guess what I have? Bugs. And Spiders. And guess where I'm sleeping? On an air mattress on the floor. After the 3rd crawl-by, I slept with the light on.
Today, I have put the tv in the car, and then I got distracted by dropping my violin case, so I had to make sure she was alright, and ended up playing for, like 45 minutes. And now I'm eating.
I, too, should be of the job-hunting. But, with 77 listings to reply to, well
t points to tag