I have not showered. Or dressed. I did flip out like a mammal last night, as (wf for the easily creeped)
I live in what is basically a basement, and I have moved nearly all my furniture. So, guess what I have? Bugs. And Spiders. And guess where I'm sleeping? On an air mattress on the floor. After the 3rd crawl-by, I slept with the light on.
Today, I have put the tv in the car, and then I got distracted by dropping my violin case, so I had to make sure she was alright, and ended up playing for, like 45 minutes. And now I'm eating.
I, too, should be of the job-hunting. But, with 77 listings to reply to, well
t points to tag
Oh, ick. I'm so sorry. Okay, I've done my Pennsic planning for the day (what tiny bit I can do). Must do job-hunt activities for, let's say, 20 minutes, then read for 20. That sounds productive, right?
Yay, Pennsic!
That absolutely sounds productive, but I may not be the best qualified to judge.
Lee, go check out buffistarawk2.
Okay. I hope I remember the password.
I had a nice odd drive to work this morning. I turned a curve and there in the middle of the road were a gaggle of geese just milling around between a couple of stop signs. They'd kindly made enough room for those of us insane enough to be driving at 7:30 on a Saturday morning to get around them. But...geese...in the middle of the road...That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo!
Liese, if you can, will you re-email me? I got rid of a lot of stuff, and your email seems to be amongst them. Sorry.
Listening now. This is really fun. Thanks!
Hey, did I ever send you my flight information?
Yes, I got it. 9:00pm Saturday, right?
can someone e me the location and password for buffistarawk? I had it once upon a time, but can't find it.
That's the one.
What's the best way to get from JFK to your place? I should probably get your address too.
eta: Sure, Vortex.