I need to indulge in a me-me-me moment.
I'd love some sleep-ma. I've just started CPAP therapy for sleep apnea. First night (Weds) was great (since I'd taken Thursday off for just that reason, so didn't need to worry about being up any given time), but last night was awful, albeit awful like a bad night's sleep for me normally is, so it wasn't a loss per se.
I wasn't feeling the day-to-day exhaustion normally associated with apnea, but I know I probably don't get enough sleep (unless I AM a freak who only needs only 4-6 hours regularly - I'd love it if that were true, but currently I feel like I'm living on borrowed time/sleep), but my problems (getting to sleep/waking and getting back to sleep) aren't necessarily the ones the breathing app is going to help directly.
However, I suspect a HUGE portion of my "nah, don't wan't to do that now even though I thought I did yesterday", which is way more day-to-day than the exception, is stuff related to sleep dep.
So some general sleep-ma would be appreciated. I'd like this apparatus to do what it's supposed to (akward as it is).
Lack of sleep sucks muchly. That is as deep as I can be at the moment. I hope you get it worked out, Frank.
Sleep~ma to you, Frankenbuddha
I actually have some extra sleep to send your way this evening as I should really be in bed right now. Sweet dreams!
I'm not sure if I should preface this with an apology or not, but I have to share this.
Who is the guy with brakeless piano? and the rocks fucking? wha?
I'm glad I didn't go my whole life without seeing that. I watched it three times!
Yeah, I got busy Doing Things around the house, and suddenly the morning has speeded by me!
Result of this mornings activity: I have more books marked up for Charity (Got Books? is coming for a pickup on Tuesday) and I've discovered that I have more yarn than I realized. Like... a lot more....
Frank, I hope it works out for you. I do apologise if it didn't since I went to sleep at about 6 last night and woke up more than 12 hours later--I may have been hogging more REM than is my share.
And in fact, I'm about to make a late acupuncture cancellation and go right back to bed, since I don't have to teach this morning, and my head feels like hell.
So if you haven't gotten your share of sleep yet, you'd better hurry. I'm about to grab whatever I can.