Teddy news: He had a difficult day yesterday, and the vet recommended he be brought in for IV fluids. This involves an overnight stay with bloodwork at the beginning and end.
We called the vet a bit ago. She said that, based on the results of the bloodwork, they spiked the fluids with extra potassium. Teddy's alert and interested in his surroundings, which is an improvement over yesterday.
We'll visit tonight before the vet office closes.
TC: I thought that
maybe it was that they were clearly the top two but that weakest were weak for different reasons than the top were the top. I mean how do you balance unfinished stuff with stuff that is not very good with stuff that totally sucks. I think that there was some discussion (Tom's blog mentions that they had to check the rules) about whether they could keep Howie in - given that he hadn't finished the challenge and when it became apparent that they could -- then it was obvious that Clay had to go because his dish tasted the worse.
Hooray for excellent Teddy news!
This bug bite has swelled to the size of two bloated half-dollars. It's taking up half my hand and stretching my skin. And I've got another one on my other hand, now! There's some kind of bug in my bed, I guess.
I wondered why I was being charged 90¢ extra for the brown sugar for my porridge (which isn't Cream of Wheat, but I can't be arsed--it's mostly white), and then I tasted it. Yup, that's about how much sugar they put in. Next time, nowt.
Good grief, that's expensive sugar.
The internet is randomly broken, interfering with both work and avoidance. Annoying.
Hivemind question:
20 mpg or 20 MPG?
I think I've mostly seen it lower case. I think.
YAY for good Teddy news! I hope the trend continues.
Sumi, that was the feeling I got too. I haven't had a chance to read the blogs yet. I'll have to do that when I get to work.
bon bon, I would go see a doctor and do a thorough clean of your bed and sheets. It sounds like either the bites might be getting infected, or you are allergic, and in either case they might get worse.
Signed, is allergic to several bug bites, and still has bite scars from childhood
I think of it in upper case.
That was way too much sugar.
I think I always see it in lowercase.
That was way too much sugar.
No such thing. My left over cereal bowls always look like low tide.