sumi, that's awesome news about the MSCL re-release -- which, with the extras, I now MUST HAVE. Plus, I can actually give people sets as gifts instead of reluctantly, with fear and trembling, lending out my precious generic no-extras set and waiting (sometimes for months) for its return.
Generic set, off to eBay as soon as I've got the new one.
They'll get my lunchbox when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands, though.
I know! I can actually
the new set when I couldn't even
about the lunchbox set.
PS, brenda: Go monkey, choose monkey!
I would highly recommend that people check their milk for freshness before pouring it on their morning cereal, as my first clue that mine had spoiled since yesterday morning was a mouthful of raisin bran. I guess the power outage yesterday was a lot longer than I'd thought, if it could go THAT rancid in 24 hours.
On the plus side, a state trooper jumped the median in front of me this morning to catch the guy that had just zoomed past like I was standing still (I was doing maybe 77 or 78 at the time). Schadenfreude tastes much better than sour milk.
I would highly recommend that people check their milk for freshness before pouring it on their morning cereal
That, IMHO, was the biggest advantage I got from switching to soy milk for my cereal in the morning. It takes weeks and weeks for it to go bad!
I watched that one too, and really liked it (though it was a bit mucus-filled for my taste). But the villain was great.
I watched that one too, and really liked it (though it was a bit mucus-filled for my taste). But the villain was great.
yes, it was. But Thrakazog was genius. That name exchange between him and the Tick was priceless.
It needs to be noted that the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight was voiced by Maurice Lamarche, aka The Brain of Pinky and the.
Huh. I could have SWORN that it was Dan Castellaneta, since EMBwBaM sounds so much like Krusty the Clown.
Top Chef:
I really really want to be there for AB taking Tres out for yakitori and getting savage drunk. I love them both muchly.
I think
the interaction between Hung and Tres could be interesting-- Tres seems like he could be a fan boy, and while Hung isn't nearly as annoying as Marcel, he is very open about being an asshole.
I thought it was interesting
that they chose 2 top people and 4 bottom people. I wonder if Hung and Tres' dishes were just that much better than everyone else's, or if they are switching from 3 to 2 top people.