I've just been introduced to the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight.
I said YEAH BABY YEAH. There’s an EMBWBAM theme for your computer. Instead of beeping, sometimes it screams out YEAH BABY YEAH.
"He said are you bad? And I said "YEAH BABY YEAH!"
ah, askye beat me to it.
That's my favorite episode of the Tick!
I can’t decide between EMBWBAM and Thrakazog.
How is TC3 so far, sumi?
not sumi, but it's good so far. Usually, there are a bunch of people that you know are subpar, and you wait to see which one screws up the most. This time, I don't see those clear bottom dwellers. Well, maybe gay fauxhawk manpri guy.
loving Sean a ridiculous amount
Seriously, has anyone not emceeing a spelling bee ever said that word out loud? Ever?
I'm with you, brenda. I can't imagine the situation in which I'd need that word.
Of course I also never expected to define the word "polyglot", complete with explanation of the root word glottis, while hanging lights in a theatre. Which happened today.
Of course I also never expected to define the word "polyglot", complete with explanation of the root word glottis, while hanging lights in a theatre. Which happened today.
I love hanging lights. This is why.
Of course there was the alternate definition of "someone who is very popular at lesbian parties".
My National Geographic swab thingy shipped! I was so expecting backordered to mean forever!
I can't wait to swab myself. Or perhaps I shall have a friend do it and pretend it's Warrick from CSI. Whatever.
Mine did too!
Look at it this way, if they were swabbing you on CSI, you'd either be dead or a suspect.
What's the advantage of being in a different timezone, if I *still* have to wait for news? Usually, I get to miss them, and don't have to wait for them, but now I'm going to do both.
Because, of course, Jess and Fone Bone's baby is all about meMeME. Clearly.
In other, a little less self-centered news, since I don't know when I'll get to be near a computer again until after the weekend (I hope I will, but just in case), I'll post already that according to the Buffista Calendar, Saturday, the 16th, will be askye's birthday, and send her already early wishes for a great day and a wonderful year.