But there's two facts being ignored by focusing on the pronunciation of "satiated": 1) the vowel combo after the first "T" is different in the word satiety, and 2) How do you pronounce "sated"?
Surely if you cleave to the first point the second becomes irrelevant?
You say refined, I say snooty!
Thbpbpbpbpbpbpt! I tilt my nose upwards at you, in a refined, snooty manner.
Surely if you cleave to the first point the second becomes irrelevant?
I grab any and every point I can to rebut others, and to hell with internal logic or consistency.
Also, many dictionaries back me up.
Yes, but do they support you in e-mail?
I... don't say the word satiety. And now, I may never.
This is why I prefer to communicate by e-mail, where no one can hear you pronounce.
I always said SAY-shuh-tee until i doubted myself and checked Merriam Webster's pronunciation, which is suh-tie-uh-tee. Now neither sounds right. So now I pronounce it "had enough".
Seriously, has anyone not emceeing a spelling bee ever said that word out loud? Ever?
Oh, the irony.
I'm watching the premiere of Top Chef 3 when I suddenly start smelling something
What could it be? I certainly didn't have anything in the kitchen on.
Guess what?
I put some eggs to hardboil and completely forgot about it and the water boiled dry and the eggs
What is the opposite of Top Chef?
That would be me.