I have found the touch that makes my roast recipe go from merely excellent to perfection: royal fig jam spread along the sides of the meat as a marinade after the first phase of cooking . It was an effort of will to only eat a quarter of the dish tonight and save some to try out on my chef friend tomorrow.
Dana, you also forgot the concerned fundamentalist outsiders who worry that Harry Potter (not, perhaps, getting that he's a fictional character) is leading The Children into practicing wizardry vs. the Victoria Bitters types who cheer him on while he does so (similarly challenged in discerning the difference between fiction and real life). KRZY deathmatch!
I've never thought about whether or not that Jackie woman is confirming or rejecting stereotypes: the ads for that show are so obnoxious I cannot imagine watching it on purpose.
That's a great idea, Matt - I'm sure it helps hold the juices in, too.
I'm way behind here, so I skipped to the end to cross post this bit of news with B'tech:
Mr. Wizard is dead.
The "blog about the zombie uprising" thing that Allyson linked to amuses me no end. I plan on participating in LJ, but I'm trying to decide if I want to do a Gothic Charm School post linking to it. Because, well, zombies!
As we all know, Zombies Are The New Black.
Well, I may not be at work, but I still don't want to do anything! I had big big plans for today, but maybe not.
Doesn't her character being gay risk highlighting and underlining the stereotype? So manly that she does women? Is it in the execution then, that it's avoided? Because on paper it seems textbook.
I haven't seen the show, but based on your post and a quick skim of the article you linked to, I can see the risk. But I agree with the implication in your last question, that it's one of those things that could be handled well.
On another subject, Hubs has asked me to ask the DCistas to recommend a vet for a second opinion for Teddy. He wants to talk to another vet to be sure there isn't anything Teddy's vets haven't already thought of.
Yesterday, I tried to schedule a PTO for today, but my boss already had a doctor's appointment so I had to be here. Which ended up being all right, because the manager who was in charge of the post-move server testing we did here in the department is taking us testers out to lunch! Also, since my boss isn't here, it's a tad less stressful today, and I can finish off the couple of projects I have to do this week.
Maybe I can get Friday off, instead? Mmm, something to think about...
The cafeteria is doing a Goofy Pet Photo Contest--very funny pictures on display!