My email to neuro was something along the lines of "When push comes to shove I'm tired--I don't eat, I don't sleep and I'm in pain at least half the time I am awake. I just don't know what to consider "true rescue" in that framework"
My options are suffer, rescue drugs, ER. I don't like any of them. But Percocet offers me the best shot at getting to work the next day.
And I have no sick time.
Ah, well. Time to get out of this refrigerator.
Enjoy. Jesse!
I don't see how that's a problem for me, though.
Dude, it's only Tuesday. I don't want to blow all of my social capital this early in the week!
ooh something specific? or just because the end is coming?
Potter wank is always massive when a new book comes out, and since this is the last one, many of us are expecting the wank to end all wanks.
I think my book is coming out at the same time as Harry Potter.
(my book likes carrots)
I am very tired of today. We have a club for that, right, or at least a bunch of comfy chairs?
I'll still be here on and off through tomorrow afternoon, if by "here" you mean "Buffistas." JUST NOT AT WORK.
have a good vacation, Jesse!
I thought I might have missed you.
many of us are expecting the wank to end all wanks.
I was trying to add it up.
- Harry/Hermoine fans (Harmonians) vs. Harry/Ginny fans vs. Ron/Hermione fans
- Snape redemptionistas
- Draco redemptionistas
- "I could have written it better."
- "Why are you people wasting all this time on stupid books?"
- Sirius/Remus fans vs. Remus/Tonks fans vs. "Why is it all about sex?" people
- Ficcers vs. fic-haters
- Slashers vs. hetters
- Slashers and hetters vs. genners
The cast will perform nude to reveal, ultimately, something essential and primal about the human experience.
Giving new meaning to "By the pricking of my thumbs,/Something wicked this way comes."
I think my book is coming out at the same time as Harry Potter.
And I have pre-ordered both of them! I am very excited that I will get to add your book to LibraryThing soon.
I was trying to add it up.
Are there Voldemort redemptionistas? There must be.