many of us are expecting the wank to end all wanks.
I was trying to add it up.
- Harry/Hermoine fans (Harmonians) vs. Harry/Ginny fans vs. Ron/Hermione fans
- Snape redemptionistas
- Draco redemptionistas
- "I could have written it better."
- "Why are you people wasting all this time on stupid books?"
- Sirius/Remus fans vs. Remus/Tonks fans vs. "Why is it all about sex?" people
- Ficcers vs. fic-haters
- Slashers vs. hetters
- Slashers and hetters vs. genners
The cast will perform nude to reveal, ultimately, something essential and primal about the human experience.
Giving new meaning to "By the pricking of my thumbs,/Something wicked this way comes."
I think my book is coming out at the same time as Harry Potter.
And I have pre-ordered both of them! I am very excited that I will get to add your book to LibraryThing soon.
I was trying to add it up.
Are there Voldemort redemptionistas? There must be.
What's a genner?
Right now?
t is not bitter about this turn of events, honest.
A writer of gen fic.
Really, though, I'm writing Bob.
I'm guessing "general fic" writers, who write stories without any sex.
It's my clumsy shorthand for gen fans. Gen is short for "general audiences", and depending on who you ask, it's either fic without any romantic content, or fic that adheres to the style and rating of the canon.
A writer of gen fic.
What's gen fic?
Truly, consider me the dumbest citizen of Dumbonia.
it's either fic without any romantic content, or fic that adheres to the style and rating of the canon.
Ah! Okay, gotchya!
consider me the dumbest citizen of Dumbonia.
Nope, I didn't know what it was specifically either.
Really, though, I'm writing Bob.
Which had me going: Bobby Singer? Bob Fraser? Bob the skull? Can't be Bob Bryar, Jilli would kill her...