I only remember doing one spelling bee, it was a classroom one and I misheard the word and screwed it up. I was one of the first out. After that I pretty much stopped doing anything that required me to stand in front of the class. Not because of that incident, but I don't remember doing any kind of spelling bee thing after that.
I'm a terrible speller. Thank god for the spell check function on Firefox.
Timelies all!
Once again, sharp things and me are unmixy. Cut my thumb on a blade at work. This is the second time in about a week I've done something like this. Meh.
Once again, sharp things and me are unmixy. Cut my thumb on a blade at work. This is the second time in about a week I've done something like this. Meh.
Pssst. Sheryl's a cutter, pass it on.
Sheryl's a cutter, pass it on.
We should probably keep her away from the front lines of the human/robot lawnmower wars....
I've been earwormed with "Delta Dawn." It started out as the Helen Reddy version, but, thankfully, has morphed into the Bette Midler one.
I set up a COMMics photo pool on Flickr, but it's not very active.
How do I post to a pool on Flickr?
(It's after 6 -- me can no brain anymore.)
On the photo's main page, click the "send to group" button. (And I think you have to join the group to post pictures to it.)
Well, dang. That was easy as hell to do!
I took an involuntary (as in I didn't mean to) three hour nap! At least my motivation didn't lag any, as I didn't have any to start with....