Like, for when you're drunk and/or have a suspended license?
I wonder how long it will be before the "Free Paris" t-shirts show up.
I saw some homemade ones on two girls at a bar here on Wed. night. Worn, it appeared, somewhat unironically.
And now they're saying Lynne Cheney may get appointed to the Senate. Be Afraid.
And now they're saying Lynne Cheney may get appointed to the Senate.
In Wyoming, the G.O.P. will get to submit a list of three candidates for the seat, from which the Democratic governor will select one. How bad would the other two candidates have to be before he would choose Lynne Cheney?
Does Ann Coulter have Wyoming residency?
Does Ann Coulter have Wyoming residency?
I think she gets residency in any state she wants, as part of her deal with D'Hoffryn....
Certainly in any voting district, we do know that much.
-- A judge orders Paris Hilton back to jail, CNN confirms. She was taken from court screaming, The Associated Press reports.
I regret not having my office stocked with the leather pants needed to demonstrate how happy this news makes me.
I second Jesse's wondering where ita is, since this
Amusing possibly to a lot of us, esp. those of us named ita: check out the #1 hot TV dad
didn't garner a response.
From her, I mean. It made me laugh.
Yes! Yes!
(Sorry. I just fixed the last bug on the list. And I was afraid what I just did would unfix another bug, but that didn't happen. Anyway, I'm now done, and possibly I can go home soon.)
eta: Question for folks: Did I make any changes to any stored procedures recently?