You know, I just... I woke up, and I looked in the mirror, and I thought, hey, what's with all the sin? I need to change. I'm... I'm dirty. I'm, I'm bad with the... sex and the envy and that, that loud music us kids listen to nowadays.

Buffy ,'Lessons'

Natter 52: Playing with a full deck?  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

billytea - May 30, 2007 4:40:32 pm PDT #20 of 10001
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

If you could be any species of penguin, which would you be? Besides Emperor.

Biyi already calls me an emperor penguin (dìwáng qĭ’é, or 'supreme ruler of geese standing on tiptoe, if anyone's interested), so I repudiate your restriction. But who'd want to be one anyway? Is winter in Antarctica that attractive? King penguins get most of the glory and better living conditions. Of course, I'd probably go with Adelie, who also do the Antarctica thing, but they're awfully cute.

Or else those penguins with the weird colored feathers sticking out of their heads.

Rockhopper, macaroni, royal, snares, erect-crested. I think fjordland too.

Fairy penguin? That's a kind right?

Yup, and can be seen on Phillip Island a couple of hours' drive south of Melbourne. Now strictly called the little penguin, or blue penguin in New Zealand.

Full list: emperor, king, gentoo, adelie, little/fairy/blue, chinstrap, jackass/African/black-footed, Magellanic, Humboldt's, Galapagos, rockhopper, macaroni, royal, snares, erect-crested, fjordland, yellow-eyed.

Fred Pete - May 30, 2007 4:41:02 pm PDT #21 of 10001
Ann, that's a ferret.

Great cover, Allyson!

And (ETAdd: just outside the) top 20, which is (ETAdd: still)the best I've done in forever.

Cashmere - May 30, 2007 4:41:44 pm PDT #22 of 10001
Now tagless for your comfort.

billytea, what are the really stupid ones we saw in Cinci?

Fred Pete - May 30, 2007 4:42:27 pm PDT #23 of 10001
Ann, that's a ferret.

Oh, and latest on Teddy -- took more blood tonight. He wasn't happy, but he didn't seriously try to bite or claw anyone, even when the vet had to poke a second leg to get a proper vein.

9.5 pounds, which means he's stable even if underweight (last June, he was around 11.75). His red blood cells are up, but he's still anemic. His prednisone dosage has been cut in half. The rest of the details should be available tomorrow.

beth b - May 30, 2007 4:43:29 pm PDT #24 of 10001
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

Cover! what a great new thread present!

tommyrot - May 30, 2007 4:45:35 pm PDT #25 of 10001
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

TOKYO - A glittering bathtub made of gold worth nearly $1 million has been stolen from a resort hotel, an official said Wednesday.

A worker at Kominato Hotel Mikazuki in Kamogawa, south of Tokyo, notified police that the fancy tub was missing from the hotel’s guest bathroom on the 10th floor, according to a local police official who only gave his surname, Ogawa.

The round tub, worth $987,000, is made of 18-karat gold and weighs 176 pounds.

The tub, flanked by two crane statues, has been a main feature of the hotel’s shared bathroom. Visitors can take a dip in the tub, but it is only available a few hours a day “for security reasons,” the hotel’s Web site said.

Someone apparently cut the chain attached to the door of a small section of the bathroom where the bathtub was placed, but not riveted, and made off with the tub, Ogawa said.


Sue - May 30, 2007 4:45:56 pm PDT #26 of 10001
hip deep in pie

Nice Cover!

Old business from other thread:

Sadly, he was just eliminated on "genetrix" (he spelled it "genatrix").

Oh amrit. I was really pulling for him. He made it to the top 4 in the Canadian Spelling Bee.

msbelle - May 30, 2007 4:47:13 pm PDT #27 of 10001
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Allyson's book should be added to our Powell's Bookshelf, yes? I couldn't figure out how one might do that.

The Powell's affiliate link just takes you to which seems odd, like if it is tracking shouldn't it be a longer and unique URL?

Sheryl - May 30, 2007 4:53:05 pm PDT #28 of 10001
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

New thread!

Also, yay for Allyson's cover!

sarameg - May 30, 2007 4:53:25 pm PDT #29 of 10001

Awesome cover!

And billytea never fails to deliver.


I've been thinking a lot about sense memory today. See, I used a new body wash, purported to be sandalwood and cocoa butter. And as I sniffed, I was transported back to summers at Ghost Ranch, showering in Corral Block's community showers. I was recalling how the path to Chimney Rock started behind Corral Block, and the nights I spent up there, wary of falling over the edge. And the hospital surplus beds in Corral Block, and volunteering for daycare duty, and of little Sarah with cerebral palsy. The walk to the caf under the shadow of Kitchen Mesa, the cougars we'd watch prowl its edges, the storms as we climbed the other mesa to the housing above. Dartgrass wars amongst the children of pacifists. Of the blowing cottonwood fluff, and the fresh cut alfalfa. Of the coyotes' howls at dusk from the refuge and the whickering of the horses down past the cantina. Drifting to late night conversations of our parents about Sanctuary and arrests and trials and routes while we bunked in the casitas and teepees. Snapdragons and jello.

Why? Because the fancy Dove body wash smells like Dial, the staple soap found in the community bathroom.

I ought to go back someday.