At least she didn't tell you to eat garlic.
Now I'm just an emo cutter trapped in abusive relationship and possibly hooked on the smack! I'm not at all the kind of person whose biggest problem right now is deciding on a healthy lunch vs. french fries and exactly how
fun she's prepared to have this weekend watching some of her favorite tiny rock stars perform.
one thing that is making you happy today
So far, I got nothing. Well, it's Friday, that makes me happy.
I'm on deck to test a bug fix and cleanup script, but systems analysis and engineering can't get on the same frelling page, it seems. We've got a monster e-mail chain going, and I'm waiting for the inevitable "Take it to a meeting!" demand, which is fine, but I don't want to have to go, because I'll just be listening to SA and the developers haggle. Not interested.
t /first world problems whining
What plans do you have for the cutiehead?
The actual celebration is tomorrow. I'm going to take him and his sister to see Shrek 3 at a big fancy theater, then there's going to be a party where he will get cupcakes and plenty of presents.
Hippo birdies for Leif!!!
Are there songs about lunch or better yet, burritos?
I think I probably have at least one song about burritos on my iPod.
Yes, problem solved.
Did I mention that each concert is something like six hours long, and I'm getting old?
Birthday Happies for Leif!!!
I just remembered that I drove today. So I can have lunch in downtown Evanston if I want.
Have you ever been in one of those moods where you think, "A cute animal must die, so I can eat it"? Like maybe a duckie or a bunny?
one thing that is making you happy today
My awesome DIY gothy red-and-black French manicure is still looking good, 6 days in.
Happy birthday, Leif!
Who are you going to see, shrift?
Have you ever been in one of those moods where you think, "A cute animal must die, so I can eat it"? Like maybe a duckie or a bunny?
No. I only think that about babies.
Have you ever been in one of those moods where you think, "A cute animal must die, so I can eat it"? Like maybe a duckie or a bunny?
I pretty much spent our whole trip to NZ thinking, "little lambs so cute so tasty!"
Happy Birthday to Lief!