one thing that is making you happy today
So far, I got nothing. Well, it's Friday, that makes me happy.
I'm on deck to test a bug fix and cleanup script, but systems analysis and engineering can't get on the same frelling page, it seems. We've got a monster e-mail chain going, and I'm waiting for the inevitable "Take it to a meeting!" demand, which is fine, but I don't want to have to go, because I'll just be listening to SA and the developers haggle. Not interested.
t /first world problems whining
What plans do you have for the cutiehead?
The actual celebration is tomorrow. I'm going to take him and his sister to see Shrek 3 at a big fancy theater, then there's going to be a party where he will get cupcakes and plenty of presents.
Hippo birdies for Leif!!!
Are there songs about lunch or better yet, burritos?
I think I probably have at least one song about burritos on my iPod.
Yes, problem solved.
Did I mention that each concert is something like six hours long, and I'm getting old?
Birthday Happies for Leif!!!
I just remembered that I drove today. So I can have lunch in downtown Evanston if I want.
Have you ever been in one of those moods where you think, "A cute animal must die, so I can eat it"? Like maybe a duckie or a bunny?
one thing that is making you happy today
My awesome DIY gothy red-and-black French manicure is still looking good, 6 days in.
Happy birthday, Leif!
Who are you going to see, shrift?
Have you ever been in one of those moods where you think, "A cute animal must die, so I can eat it"? Like maybe a duckie or a bunny?
No. I only think that about babies.
Have you ever been in one of those moods where you think, "A cute animal must die, so I can eat it"? Like maybe a duckie or a bunny?
I pretty much spent our whole trip to NZ thinking, "little lambs so cute so tasty!"
Happy Birthday to Lief!
Idly googled a childhood friend I haven't talked to since last summer and discovered that not only is she painting again, but that she & her husband are going to be opening up a gallery in our hometown!
Last we talked, she was missing her art and trying to figure out what she wanted to do next, paying-jobwise. Makes me very happy for her.