Would each of those articles make me think the authors were whiny idiots the way this one did?
Yeah, sorry, that was kinda my point. Which was obscured by you people not being able to read my mind and what's wrong with you anyway that you can't do that?
(for reference - the above was totally tongue-in-cheek)
My book deal ruined my life.
This guy's a fucking moron.
On the other hand, he reminds me that I need to finish the book version of How To Succeed As A Failing Writer.
Heh. Maybe my next column will be a response ...
I didn't have any coffee today, it makes the mind-reading dicier. And I had to go and read the article to be sure it was annoying as the title sounded, so I thought I'd keep rolling with the making sure. I'd hate to be groundlessly judging someone who really was screwed by winning a Peabody or something.
It's really about a couple different authors, who learned that -- GASP! -- didn't make them super rich, and actually entails work and stress.
So terribly not impressed or sympathetic.
Weatherbug just alerted me that tomorrow we're under a wind advisory all day.
Damn it! So much for wearing a skirt tomorrow.
Wear one with lining or petticoats or a crinoline!
I doubt many companys have no petticoats or hats already written into the dress code
My last gig did say no hats.
And until my final summer there, no bare legs or open toed shoes either.
Current gig, no one will tell me. My boss told me that he thinks looks count.
Dude! I need specifics.
I'm mostly in skirts (got nailed on the "how many long dark skirts do you have???" thing yesterday) and whatever top I can find that matches them properly. Pants aren't handling the weight shifts well. So I'm the girliest on the floor. Weird.
You can write an article with this title about any art you choose: My Broadway show ruined my life. My journalism award ruined my life. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Hey, my migraines...ah, never mind.
So, like, the neuro wanted me to leave her office and go straight to hospital. The guru guy hadn't communicated anything to her yet. When she got in touch with him he told her he'd suggested I boost Mg and B2, and see how that worked out. I pointed out the two ER visits in the 6 days since I saw him and she again wanted me to go straight to the ER and get admitted.
Now, I do want to be admitted and get this shit kicked in the balls. But I really don't want to go the ER when I'm not
having a headache. And miraculously (or perhaps just because of last night's drug cocktail which threw me for a loop) I'm not having one right now.
Also feel it's bad for to leave work halfway through the day to go into hospital.
So the plan is they're leaving notes in my file at one specific hospital, and that my next ER visit should be to that one, with the understanding that I'll be admitted, not just drugged up and sent home.
Should be two-three days. Not excited, except excited. And proactively very bored.
Oh, and separately, (is Cuba Gooding Jr ever safe for work? Totally not here).
My book deal ruined my life.
It's Physically Painful to be This Goodlooking
Too Many Diamonds
I Like You, George Clooney, I Just Don't
Like You
Like You
Glad you have a plan, ita.
Eta: also glad that you don't have a headache right this second.
People? Suck.
yes, like the guy who saw me standing outside of my partner's office (wearing a suit and hose) waiting for her to finish a meeting and tried to hand me a document saying "I need 5 copies of this". I simply said "the copier's down the hall to the right, but I'm sure if you wait a moment, one of the admins can help you" he just stood there, confused until the partner he was meeting with came out of the office and said "oh, have you met Stephanie, she's one of our new associates". He at least looked a bit chagrined.
so, I just checked my messages and it was the condo people wanting to verify my address so that they can send settlement letters. meep.