Argh. I'm not sure whether I'm freaking out because of the mental disconnect (I get a bit irrational sometimes about different facets of my life colliding) or whether it's because it's revealing some fundamental dishonesty in my relationship with my mother
Fay, once again, you and I are as one. I absolutely don't want my family to be apprised of some aspects of my personal life (::cough::kink::cough::), but that makes me feel dishonest sometimes.
But then, the idea of being totally open and honest with them about my private life gives me the screaming heebie-jeebies and makes my brain curl up in a fetal position and rock back and forth, slamming its medulla against the inside of my skull.
My family knows about my LJ, but they also know how I disown people that go places they're not supposed to go to. They stay away.
Anne, I'm so glad Glen is able to go home! That's wonderful news. I hope this is a new pattern!
Yay for flowers for Kristin!
Yay for Anniversary for MM and Aimee!!! Congratulations, you crazy kids!
Yay for ND heading home. Boo for more health things for mom.
In mememe, I still have a fever. Just paged my therapist to see if she still wants to see me today. I'm really feeling under house arrest, though, and it's getting old. Although, it's really hot out today, so, maybe it'll work out. And this way I'll get caught up on Charmed. What? It keeps me from watching Lifetime (which, yes, I magically have back!).
Thank goodness I gotnover being honest with my family a long time ago. And hey turns out they had been dishonest with men for a lot longer.
Thank goodness I gotnover being honest with my family a long time ago. And hey turns out they had been dishonest with men for a lot longer.
"Turns out we found you in a box marked 'Free' by the side of the road. We thought you knew."
YAY for Glen coming home! continuing the ~ma in an IV drip.
Congrats to Corwood and family! Love the story.
Aw, Kristin, I'm sorry about your mom. Same to you, ND.
PC, Tom is much the same way as you regarding buying a house. It was I, who was all, um, OK, all this stuff going into savings is well and good, but if we can afford to put this stuff away, uh... shouldn't we be getting a house with it?
And he had an anxiety attack that lasted for 3 years and through the purchase of the house and beyond. But, I think it worked out in the end. For us. Christ, I hope so.
If buying is going to triple your housing budget, then... I don't know. You have to do what you're comfortable with. There are pros and cons. You can keep saving at your crazy rate and pay your crazy cheap rent until someone comes along and triples the rent, THEN go and buy something and put more money down on it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with renting, especially when you have such a great rent and you're still young and basically mobile. There are a lot of reasons you'd leave the Bay Area in the future and would want to do so without having to sell a house.
In conclusion: I am babbling.
Disturbingly close to the actual truth MM.
In conclusion: I am babbling.
But we love your babbling.
ND, I still say you're Swahili/Lithuanian.
We've covered this. I'm Chamoan.
I absolutely don't want my family to be apprised of some aspects of my personal life (::cough::kink::cough::), but that makes me feel dishonest sometimes.
I don't know. If I'm allowed to speak as a parent after less than a year of it, I'd have to say that there are some things parents neither need nor want to know. The kink definitely seems like one of those things. I do hope, very very much, that someday (a good long time from now) Matilda learns and knows her sexuality and has someone good and loving to explore it with -- but if she even attempt to tell me any of the details I'm going to run from the room with my fingers in my ears screaming
Actual orientation, though -- ergh, Fay, I'm sorry it's all so prickly and hard. And definitely something I would want to know as a parent.