As far as I know. About 75% of my peeps are accounted for. I'm still trying not to flip out like a mammal, with varying degrees of success.
May the rest check in soon, all safe and sound.
but then their signatures on the paychecks would be all sloppy and probably say "Bbbrrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnssssss"
Still, army of Cyborg Zombies... nah, I stand by my original advice. No reason you couldn't consider the zombie thing after you're hired, see.
No reason you couldn't consider the zombie thing after you're hired, see.
Might make it easier to get a raise approved.
Love this headline:
Joe, is your wife available for telephonic communications?
That Strib link Juliana posted is constantly being updated. I'm a going to post it in Press.
MM, all my 'ma is belong to you.
Hope all in MN are okay.
Thinking good thoughts for that last 25% of your beloveds, juliana.
And bundles of ~ma to you, MM, though I don't know that my job~ma is good for much.
And now, baby in bed, Craigslist combed through and all good postings emailed to my work addy, pjs on, threads all caught up, and so to bed. Mwah to everyone.
juliana, I hope you hear from the rest of your friends very soon. That goes for anyone else with friends or family there.
Much ~ma to the city of Minneapolis.
Joe, lots of job~ma for you.
All kinds of job~ma for you, MM.