juliana - Good to hear. You need to flip out like a mammal, you can always call Aims and I.
Robin and DH - Congrats! And my envy!
Thanks, JenP. I will try not to slaughter my interviewers as, like you said, they would no longer be able to serve my purposes being dead.
Unless I resurrected them as Cyborg Zombies, but then their signatures on the paychecks would be all sloppy and probably say "Bbbrrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnssssss".
Hope the outstanding 25% check in soon, juliana.
And I would probably be upset and tell myself that I was more upset than I should be and that I should chill. Not that I am telling you or anyone else to chill (hypothetically), but that's how my interior monologue would go.
I've heard from the one person I know in the area, and she and her family are fine.
So - if your boyfriend hadn't called you in 3 days, but you knew he was very tired on the first day and likely spent it all sleeping, would you still be upset? How upset?
I would be annoyed. I do that trying-to-talk-myself-out-of-it too, but I really try not to anymore. I try not to tell him about everything that annoys me, but how often we communicate is fairly important to me so it's pretty much, "Hey, I don't care if you don't call me at work every day, but I really want to talk to you more often than two days a week, so when you've been working as much as you have, a call at lunch would be a good time for us to catch up."
Why yes, I have had this conversation recently.
Glad most of your people are ok, j, and okay~ma for the other 25%
As far as I know. About 75% of my peeps are accounted for. I'm still trying not to flip out like a mammal, with varying degrees of success.
May the rest check in soon, all safe and sound.
but then their signatures on the paychecks would be all sloppy and probably say "Bbbrrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnssssss"
Still, army of Cyborg Zombies... nah, I stand by my original advice. No reason you couldn't consider the zombie thing after you're hired, see.
No reason you couldn't consider the zombie thing after you're hired, see.
Might make it easier to get a raise approved.
Love this headline:
Joe, is your wife available for telephonic communications?
That Strib link Juliana posted is constantly being updated. I'm a going to post it in Press.