Preschool was great. Very diverse in kids and staff (three male teachers!!!). Policies are great. No red flags. You have to have a code to get in all doors and parents only have the code for the front door. The director is a really nice woman and the asst director is just as cute as a bug's ear.
I think Em would be very happy there. Some of their rules re: staff kind of surprised me, though I understand why they are there. Such as, if a teacher takes a child into the staff bathroom and shuts the door, it's automatic dismissal of the teacher. No questions asked. Wow.
Some of Ellie's daycare rules surprise me also. Not as big as the automatic dismissal thing, for example, but the teachers aren't allowed to say "no" to the kids. They can discrouage and distract or say "uh-uh" but not say no. Also, the kids aren't not allowed to be restrained in any way (like in a highchair) except when they put the infants in the little cart and push them around.
eta: oh, and the bathroom in the daycare doesn't even have a door and it's partly open on two sides to two classrooms.
I'm glad that the school looked good. Is it one of a number of possibles or the main one you're interested in?
sooooo, does that mean that there's an extra ticket floating around? ;)
Har. We were lucky to get tickets ourselves. Planes to Europe are packed this summer. You're more than welcome to ride shotgun in the suitcase.
Laura, I'm so sorry.
MM, no terminating the child at any point or you'll lose the tax benefit.
Enjoy the park today, Suzi. Try not to get your iron the hard way.
Nora, I've lots of good thoughts for you and Tom.
I don't have a South. But I want one. Can you believe I never had sweet tea until I was in my late twenties?
::gooses juliana::
edit: This is what I get for mearaing without a net. Cash, I hope your BiL is fine. The car can be replaced; he can't.
Enough with the trauma, Universe. The Bitches deserve some happy.
You're more than welcome to ride shotgun in the suitcase.
begins stretching to fit.
How long is the flight, again?
Is it one of a number of possibles or the main one you're interested in?
Thus far, it's the only one we've looked at.
There's another one that I want to go see, but this one is better in terms of location.
The tuition is $200/wk. And they are closed the week after Christmas.
How long is the flight, again?
DC to Newark - 1 hour
Newark to Rome - 7 hours
Rome to Lamezia - 1 hour
Don't forget to add two hours in between flights, so the grand total is about 13 hours in the suitcase. Then I can spring you once we get past customs. Of course you'll then have to sit in a small car for another hour and a half to get to our place. Speed yoga for flexibility anyone?
Aimee, isn't there a royal decree on the princess's daycare? As in how dare they charge the daughter of the Empress and Miracleman to grace the rest of humanity with her presence.
They should be paying you for the privilege of watching her throw a temper tantrum.
edited because I'm a pedant.
They should be paying you for the privilege of watching her throw a temper tantrum.
You're right! Filthy traitors!
Off with their heads!
Yeah, be sure and let us know how that works out for you.