How long is the flight, again?
DC to Newark - 1 hour
Newark to Rome - 7 hours
Rome to Lamezia - 1 hour
Don't forget to add two hours in between flights, so the grand total is about 13 hours in the suitcase. Then I can spring you once we get past customs. Of course you'll then have to sit in a small car for another hour and a half to get to our place. Speed yoga for flexibility anyone?
Aimee, isn't there a royal decree on the princess's daycare? As in how dare they charge the daughter of the Empress and Miracleman to grace the rest of humanity with her presence.
They should be paying you for the privilege of watching her throw a temper tantrum.
edited because I'm a pedant.
They should be paying you for the privilege of watching her throw a temper tantrum.
You're right! Filthy traitors!
Off with their heads!
Yeah, be sure and let us know how that works out for you.
Aimee, isn't there a royal decree on the princess's daycare? As in how dare they charge the daughter of the Empress and Miracleman to grace the rest of humanity with her presence.
Bwah! I wish.
I had my lunch and I am not full.
I'm offering tour guide services for anyone who needs a South.
I would make a horrible daycare worker.
The tuition is $200/wk. And they are closed the week after Christmas.
Ouch. We're talking full day care/preschool? Still 'spensive.
Got our report back from the speech therapist. Owen does have mild delays in receptive/expressive and pragmatic language skills with excellent prognosis for catching up with a little bit of therapy. Not devastating news.
My south is red clay roads, spanish moss dripping off the trees, biscuits made from scratch by the touchy-feely method, dog-washes (rain so hard it washes the dogs out from under the house), swimming holes with rickety roller skating rinks next to them, fried fish when the family comes for a visit, gekkos in the house, my aunt Sharon washing her hair in the flower garden, my dad and brothers setting off M-80s on the rusty garden swing....
Ouch. We're talking full day care/preschool? Still 'spensive.
Yup. Way spensive. I'm totally in the wrong business.
But, I really did like it and Em would probably love it, specially since one of her teachers will be a guy. She'll have someone to flirt and be coy with.
I'm offering tour guide services for anyone who needs a South.
Are you booked next June? What for, you ask? Oh, I will just happen to be in Dallas the third week of that month. I'll have to check the dates and exact location, but barring a change in jobs, I will be in Dallas next year and I will build in playtime to the schedule.