They will. Shoo you away. Right now, if you're going somewhere in the next couple of months, I'd say wait and go to the office - it's the only way to be sure. But you cannot do it until the last minute. If you don't have the proof, you will not get the passport.
If you do, it takes about three hours.
[Done it twice, not counting the emergency passport I got in Spain.]
d, if you're anywhere near a passport office, I
recommend waiting and doing it that way. They recently had to rescind regulations about travel to Canada and Mexico (and refund a lot of expedited fees) because they're so clogged.
Btw, ND's mom is back in the hospital again too. It sounds like group mom~ma is needed for Bitches right now.
She went in for a scheduled operation related to her ongoing heart/artery problems earlier this week, but now she's been put back in rehab since she's lost ground since her last hospital stay this winter.
I don't want to disclose too much--he's at work right now, and I don't know what he does and doesn't want to share--but I thought it might be important to know in case either of us seems off right now.
Oh man. Group mom~ma. I hope everyone's moms are all right.
Also ladling out the passport ~ma. It's such a chore getting a passport now! I'm glad I went on and got mine when Bush was re-elected. (You never know when you'll have to flee the country.)
I second Brenda's Oh dear. My hugs to ND as well.
It sounds like group mom~ma is needed for Bitches right now.
I am happy to let go of the mom~ma I was hording. For the moment, my mom is doing well.
CJ - not so well. Oh, he is healthy, but we just had a chat about matches and lying. He is off apologizing to grandma right now.
~ma to the moms. (Is that ma~ma?)
In "developmental milestones I'd just as soon skip" news, our daycare center director called me into her office when I picked up Annabel today. She lashed out physically at one of the teachers when he put her in timeout for making a ruckus at naptime. Sigh.
Much ~ma for the Buffista moms!
I just went to say goodnight and goodbye to Noodle. I asked him for a hug, and he said, "Excuse me, I'm reading."
Earlier, when he finished dinner, he announced, "I'm very gross."
He has really cracked me up. I'm gonna miss that Noodle. Fortunately, I get to see him again in two weeks.