From the World of Fuck You, Too:
Couple months back I applied online for a job with Company X and sent them my resume. They sent a very nice form e-mail back saying "You're not quite what we need, but we'll keep your info on file in case something comes up." To which I rolled my eyes and said "Sure, whatev, okay."
Two days ago they actually e-mailed me back saying that a position was open to which I might be well-suited and can I apply again? To which I said "Wow. Uh. Sure." and promptly did so.
Today, I get a nice form e-mail with the subject line of, no shit, "Business needs have changed". This missive was to inform me that, per subject header, Business Needs Have Changed and that the position I applied for is no longer in existence. BUT, they'll keep my info on file in case blahdeeblahblahblah.
I almost hit "Reply" and wrote "Sure, next time you want to COCKTEASE ME, employment-wise, please feel free to dry hump me, whisper sweet nothings about benefits in my ear and then have your 'friend' tell you 'we have to go'.
Joseph Conat
(Your Bitch)
Resume: Attached"
I would like points and applause for my manly show of restraint.