billytea, despite your tragic description, somehow I fail to feel any sympathy for you. I'll be more than happy to trade you our hot, humid and hazy for your temperate 50 degree winters.
Pfft. I had enough of that over my four summers in Philly. I'll stick with the sunburnt country theme for a while, methinks.
Kittehs!! So cute!
I'm excited because I'm the godmother (which I'm a heathen, athiest, and religion sceptic, so it really means a lot to me that she thinks I'm a good enough person to do the job) of her son. Yay! New girl type cherub!
he had years of health and playing and petting and belly-rubs....
Senor had a great human to boss around and be loved by. He was a very lucky kitty.
So, I have a 2nd interview tomorrow for a job I really want. Job~ma around 7am board time, por favor??
Yeah, the last few days of his life sucked, but he had years of health and playing and petting and belly-rubs....
And you never had to vacuum up cat hair. Now *that's* a considerate cat.
But I'm still not allowed to go to Dallas.
Your lung may be there. I think you should go and make sure.
BT, you have no magic in your heart. You mean you don't miss your shirt sticking to your skin all summer?
eta: Job~ma ChiKat!
Thanks, y'all! This is for a full time drama teacher position. I want.
Much jobma! Jobs for everybody! Or instant wealth! Jobs and instant wealth for everyone!
ION: Dude. This LJ thing is 'sploding my interwebs.
Are you on LJ, DJ?
I'm just now getting caught up. Damn.
Oh, and I'll take some of that instant wealth, please, with a side of contentment.