See, that's what I'm talkin' about...
It's all about treating adults like adults. Granted, in a start-up biotech, we have room for creativity. Obviously if we personally served clients or the public, I'd have to manage the "floor" time a bit more. Thank dog I don't. But even with fixed schedules, giving employees a choice among a couple of options goes a long way to making people feel more like humans and less like robots.
Just for the record, I don't generally share my waxing/shaving habits with people IRL. Only with you guys on the Internets cause I'm somewhat incognito (though I have met some of you IRL).
There's something about staring at someone as they describe their pubic hairstyling that's just...I don't know why this pings me, given the things that get talked about. Nether piercings don't twig me (well, unless it's a hot guy--that's distracting), but genital topiary just frazzles my brain.
Working for myself it all gets blurry. I do a lot of long long days and work through weekends quick a bit, but I also have been taking a total of about 2 months a year off for the past few years, which, to me, is a pretty good deal.
Argh - Mal's grampa's flight is delayed by 2 hours. Out of a three-hour flight. Now he gets in at midnight.
FWIW, the DH's secretary in Athens (American, older than his mother) informed him and the other officer in the section that she has a Brazilian. This has been regarded as a wildly inappropriate workplace topic by everyone.
Working for myself it all gets blurry. I do a lot of long long days and work through weekends quick a bit, but I also have been taking a total of about 2 months a year off for the past few years, which, to me, is a pretty good deal.
Yeah, but I've also seen you work multiple 16-hour days sicker than a plague victim. Don't get me wrong--I go into work sicker than I should too, but I've seen you barely able to get out of bed and still suffering through a week without a break.
DH's secretary in Athens (American, older than his mother) informed him and the other officer in the section that she has a Brazilian. This has been regarded as a wildly inappropriate workplace topic by everyone.
Why does anyone care where she's...right. Has a Brazilian, not was a Brazilian.
I agree, and am glad that someone else is being scandalised. Being the moral majority takes numbers.
Maybe she meant Paulo her houseboy.
She probably shouldn't brag about that at her embassy gig either.