I'm taking a break from cleaning the kitchen. The microwave has defeated me. This is the first time I have been defeated by a microwave, even considering when I was a maid, there was a family we cleaned for that nuked bacon every day.
The ick on the ceiling of the thing turns out not to be neglected, baked on foods but rust and peeling paint. Ick. Ick. Ick. wonder how old it is, and if walmart still has them for 30 bucks.
I am in the process of getting my hair done. (love that hair maintenance comes to my door). Doorbell rings. I actually get up from hair dying to answer. Really , I know better. A pest control guy - who wants to talk to me know - bad time - can he come back in 10 minutes. Noooooo, busy. leave your doorhanger. Will you call me? ( what... we're dating? ) I really don't think he wants me to call. Really
Where the SPN girls at?
from the Dallas Observer
The man who once stole my heart as Ritchie Valens and Chavez y Chavez is coming home againthanksto the lovely people at Casa Manana. He'll be starring as Nathan R. Jessep-the egomaniac made famous by Nicholson-in a one-week-only engagement of A Few Good Men. Phillips will be joined onstage by another local boy done good, Richardson native Jensen Ackles (one of the stars of the CW's Supernatural), who will play pretty boy lawyer Daniel Kaffee.
Exciting casting, horrible advert.
Yeah, it's a non-profit community theater (though granted a large and fairly successful one) so whatcha gonna do?
The SPN girls are shaking our wee fists at your proximity! Or something.
Or just shaking our fist at the hamfistedness of SixApart. Ahem.
I have been reading about that LJ thing since 3pm.
Probably won't go since I don't particularly like the show, and it's in Fort Worth (about a 30-45 minute drive without bad traffic). I dunno maybe if Mr. Jane wants to. He has a strange thing with LDP. The stupid tv movies I have had to watch with that man.
I didn't know JA was from Richardson which is where my aunt P and uncle B lived and where my twin cousins grew up.
The SPN girls are shaking our wee fists at your proximity! Or something.
We are.
And me without any
reason to go to Dallas.
Sigh. Grr, and argh.
Why are relationships so damn sucky?
I like the whole dating-someone thing. I just can't make it work right. Stupid people, with their stupid not-being-exactly-on-the-same-page-as-me! Stupid people with their stupid thinking about things that I say (very poorly expressed) and deciding that means that we should see other people. Just because I looked horrified when the L word was invoked. Sigh.
Grump grump grump.