Jilli, can you send a minion to take some pics of him or get something autographed for you... or slip him a link to your website?
Happy (belated) Birthday, CJ!
I skipped to the end and the last bunch of posts are all about llamas, but I saw something about Matilda pics, so I'm off to look for those now. I'm sure she'll be adorable as all heck.
I'm sure she'll be adorable as all heck.
That is her level of adorability according to Emmett. She's an all-heck adorable baby.
llama! Yes, that's all I got.
Oh, and Hi Nicole! You've been scarce.
Long day. I skipped and skimmed bunches. Now my head hurts and I think I'll read myself to sleep. Shouldn't take long.
Trekkers here use llamas instead of four-wheelers or horses for multi-day hikes into fragile ecosystems.
Plus? They don't mind transporters one bit.
And seldom wear red shirts.
Oh dear. Matilda is so very beautiful! What an incredibly expressive face. And a nice mix of David and JZ in each expression.
Hi Laura! I hope you're resting now and that the head pain makes a quick departure. I've been a bit invisible due to travel and work and visiting family eating up my internet time. The visiting family has gone back home though, so maybe things will get back to "normal" soon.
We put together three bookcases tonight. I have to figure out tomorrow how to jam my last eleven boxes of books into two of them.
sj! Hi sweets!
Three bookcases? Oooh! Wants pics soon, girlie.
is the bookcase. I'll have pictures of the apartment in a couple weeks when it doesn't look like a disaster area. We're still waiting for our pantry to be finished at the wood place we ordered it from and then the four boxes of food can be unpacked too. Plus, I still have to get TCG to get his bike out of the dining room.
Link goes to Staples' front page, sj.
You organize groups of hikers with pack-in gear for several days, plus kitchen, plus food, it's a trek. Wilderness Trek!
Nicole, did I say hi? Hi!
I also forgot to wish CJ happy on his birthday. And...probably other stuff. Senility is hard, y'all.
Pretty, sj! (Bev, enter you zip code and it should take you to the pic of the bookcase. Did for me.)
Hi, Bev!
Why does tomorrow have to be Monday? Off to bed. Stupid having to work to make money thing.