Now I'm feeling a little anxious. I just got this email from best friend L.
Um...on a separate note. [husband] and I are separating. He's supposed to be finding an apartment asap. I'm done. He's done a lot of crazy things the last few days and he accuses me of things I would never do, and tells me I'm a different person than I was when we got married. This morning he threatened to sue me for alimony, then threatened to unplug the garage door opener so I couldn't go to work. And he says I'm mean and cruel and spiteful. I'm done.
Awaiting an email that I hope will say she's not staying there as long as he is.
I'm sorry Aimee. Vibing for a non asshattery option.
Why anyone would EVER ask that is beyond me.
When I was about 8 months and HUGE a friend still checked with DH first before asking me. That is a gentleman. A not so much anymore friend asked me last week if I were pregnant. So many years past that option, bitch. Then she went on to say she thought maybe since my ankles looked swollen. If she weren't giving me a ride to the airport I may have been rude.
Eeeep, that is scary Daisy. Hopes she runs, not walks.
Oh, dear! That does sound worrisome. Get out, L.
Having seen you fairly recently, I feel I can say for certain that you look neither pregnant nor swollen.
Yeah, and I've heard some of his other threats- and seen the aftermath of a few violent outbursts.
I really don't like the idea of her being all the way up in that suburb where I'm not if something goes down.
Daisy that is really scary. I hope she has a safe place to go to get away from him if necessary.
Aimee, I'm sorry about #1 place. If you must go work for the asshat, make sure you get an internet connection so we can type you off the ledge and help you find a place to hide the bodies.
DJ, that's a very scary email and I hope he goes away and stays away.
lisah, congratulations!
Hey, all. I feel grey, like a bargain-bin roast. End of school year-ness.
Well, graduation was Saturday, and it was great, even though it spit rain at us most of the time. It was the first one where I really had seniors I was close to, so I cried like a baby and was grateful for the extra-long sleeves on a Master's robes. I used them to wipe my eyes.
Then I had a nice weekend at home with my parents, who I hadn't visited in a while. Tuesday, though, I come to school to find out there was a drive-by at our valedictorian's graduation party Sat. night, and one of last year's seniors (and the brother of one of my favorite graduating senior girls) was shot. It was touch and go for a while, but he is alive, and will be able to walk with therapy. At least the drive-by wasn't by anyone AT our school, but it pisses me off so much. Our val. doesn't even run with a gang, although many of her friends claim one. It's a fucking GRADUATION party.
Finals start tomorrow, and then Worlds of Fun Monday, and ProfDevt till 6/8, and then I start summer school on 6/15. Woo. Although, yeah! money.
Also, we are losing 4 teachers, and hiring 1 or 2 additional ones. We have a pretty good dynamic, staff-wise, so I am a little nervous about next year. Also am losing my fellow English teacher, and I love her! She's great. This means I am Senior English teacher person, which cracks my shit up. Rumor has it we have already hired the new Eng teacher, and she's from the school my co-worked used to work at and is going back to (better bennies for childcare) and she says she's heard nothing but good things about her, so that's good.
Mememememe. Sorry.
Tommyrot, so sorry about Senor Sock. *sniff* It sounds like he was a happy kitty.