We don't really tell her to get ready for bed. We say, "Bedtime!" and then head upstairs. Sometimes, it's bath, hair and teeth, kisses, stories, songs, and then bed - which starts around 7:30-7:45 for a target bed time of 8:30. Other nights, we start later and skip the bath.
I really want them sleeping before their parents come home. Isn't the whole point of giving parents a night out so they don't have to deal with the kids at all?
It is, but sometimes with older kids, short of physically putting them into their pajamas and their bed and then physically restraining them there, all you can do is say, "Fine. But your parents told you to go to bed at X time. If you aren't there, it's gonna be you who gets nailed. Not me. So, if you're staying up with me, you get to work." and then make them do chores.
With the three year old, shot of fernet. Works every time.
Parents: on average, how many times do you have to tell your kids to get ready for bed?
One or two.
Seven is not good. Now it is time to be the mean babysitter.
Now it is time to be the mean babysitter.
I guess it's hard for me to be mean when one of the brothers is still eating his snack. Seems unfair. Oh, jeez. I'm gonna make a terrible parent!
They're in bed. I think they did everything they were supposed to. The three-year-old went without any problems. I think the poor noodle is exhausted. He barely got a nap today.
an individual coming into Virginia from any state may qualify for a Virginia license with comparable endorsement areas if the individual has completed a state-approved teacher training program through a regionally accredited four-year college or university or if the individual holds a valid out-of-state teaching license, which must be in force at the time the application for a Virginia license is made.
holler if you need help. Where in SW VA are you going?
And I hear the garage door opener! I made it!
So, walked home tonite and noticed a sewer bubbling brown water that was also somehow coming OUT OF THE SIDEWALK AND MAKING A RIVER DOWN THE STREET. Luckily, it was down the line from my building, but I knew things were going to be ugly. Thank dog I filled my Brita before they shut off the water.
Turns out ugly's not even the half of it. They've had jackhammers and back-hoes pulling up huge sections of the area around the (I assume) main break. They've also got one of those monster sewer vacuums that keeps coming in intermittently. Then the bring in the back-hoe again. And then the sewer-vac again. It looks like they are filming a movie out there with all the lights they've set up.
I fear this will not be resolved by tomorrow morning. And if it is, I fear the water that's going to come out of the faucets. I gave up caffeine a while ago - showers are my primary form of wakeup (and I can't even just wash up if this isn't resolved). Ugh.
Good for you for getting through it, vw!
Emily, that's great about the VA licensure. Sounds like you'll be all set (and no, sadly I am not in the least bit surprised that CA still hasn't gotten around to sending you your license).
SA, glad the vacation is going well, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (in 15 minutes East Coast time)!
In CT news, my mom decided today to buy a 42" HD Samsung plasma TV. ND and I have spent the evening helping her to mount it to the wall (on a ginormous industrial full-movement arm thingy) and getting it all hooked up. It is verra verra shiny. The new progressive-scan DVD player is having issues, however, and ND isn't sure if the issues lie in the cable or the player. A bit bummed since we bought her
Planet Earth
to demonstrate how very awesome her new picture will be. Right now her new picture is a giant blue screen of death.
Update: ND has determined that it's the DVD player. Denied! Guess we'll be going back to Best Buy in the morning.
Sorry to hear about the bummer of a bedtime, vw.
Thanks Kristen! It's weird that my birthday is tomorrow.
Hey all. Just got home from ER. Mom is being admitted and will have surgery once they rebalance her blood levels (she is on blood thinners). The current target is 6am. Her hernia got "trapped" and needs immediate attention.
I'm not doing too well. I hate this.