Did you know there was a testicular reflex?
I know I've been able to inculcate one, but I didn't know they came pre-installed.
I hope Emmett's groin forgives him soon and everything goes back to normal.
One of the krav students who's particularly odd made up a birthday card for one of the instructors (he's in FX, so it was really sharply designed) whose punchline (when you lifted a tab on the inside) was his bruised nut sack from a groin kick the instructor had given him.
Her birthday was in January and she's still showing it around.
But that was earned bruising, not stupid stuff like is plaguing Emmett.
if they're calling to see if you got the letter, then they're not afeared of the smiting... that's good?!?
oh yeah. I totally thought he was calling to say they'd decided I wasn't right for them after all. How much time before I email him and say "Just Reply to this with letter attached dofus!" ?
it _is_ a technologically inclined company....
I still have my fingers x-ed for you, lisah. I'll be in B'more on Sunday -- come on over to Sox's house!
::waits for Sox to say something:: Hee!
it _is_ a technologically inclined company....
I am very familiar with those.
Is the withdrawal the TR?
That is correct. The speedy retreat spleenwards is the reflex.
come on over to Sox's house!
yay! you can meet team New Zealand!
am going to take a nap now. I finally got to sleep around the time that Iris was waking up.
Thanks, sparky! Okay. I couldn't wait any longer so I replied to an email he sent me yesterday saying he should just reply to that with the attachment.
Thank you all for your patience as I update my neurotic moments today!
I heard something on a passing car radio about someone's looking for the most cluttered home in Baltimore. The winner will get a free removal from 1-800-GOTJUNK.
And there are people protesting the national spelling bee - they're out in front of the hotel with signs advocating "sensible" spelling. One sign has "good enuf for him" next to a picture of Ronald Reagan. eesh
I heard something on a passing car radio about someone's looking for the most cluttered home in Baltimore. The winner will get a free removal from 1-800-GOTJUNK.
wow! My house is a mess right now but I don't think it quite qualifies.