Happy Birthday julianna!!!!!!
This is the second day in a row I forgot I had to do thing early ( before 10) so I had to run out of the cafe with my arms flailing like a muppet. At least this time I didn't have to run home, because Matt was stil thereto take me home. he thinks I 'm getting senile. I think my brain is just rebelling against anything before 10am
ROBIN! That's wonderful news! Congratulations!
Very exciting news, home-owning Robin!
Happy birthday to the super coolest, prettiest, funnest, most excellent good friend, Juliana.
Congratulations, Robin! Happy housing!
GF and I are pretty much set on buying a house in Pasadena. We are going to start seriously looking in about a year. I want to finish school (or at least get close), we have some work to do on the condo to get it livable (for renters - we are going to try to swing keeping it), and GF would like to find a job where she's an employee rather than a contractor. I can't stop perusing realtor.com, which is making GF cranky. I can't help it - I'm so excited!
Today I must:
- Write and submit abstract for September conference presentation
- Finish drafting reuse/single-sourcing Best Practices doc
- Print out Comic-Con ticket (squee!)
That's doable, right? I was supposed to do the first two yesterday, but I punked out.
Yay Robin! Welcome to the world of indebtedness!
Yay Robin! happy debt!
And the Go Fug Yourself girls have fugged a kilt. For the first time, I think. Mr. Tori Spelling, whatever his name is.
Happy Birthday, Trouble!
ION; I've seen that a few people (here & on LJ) had not the best night's sleep. Must be something in the atmosphere. Jilli should have been up for work at 7:45 but was so tired she went back to bed. I'm waking her at 9:30.
She is a fuzzy wikkle goth, yes, she is.