Catching up:
DJ, that store sounds terrific - I'm working on getting out of the plus size department, which can be extra exasperating. So many of the plus sizes are tacky fabric, tackier colors ... although my shopping almost exclusively in discount stores is partly to account for that.
I went to a Baptist high school. Sometimes I think there isn't enough porn in the world to fix that experience.
Keep working on it - you're making progress!
Aimee, I've never gone shopping for a wedding dress, never even been a bridesmaid (what? when I was younger the only people who wanted to get married were priests and nuns!), but I've heard the stories. FYI, Filene's Basement (the discount chain) has annual "Running of the Brides" where they have wedding dresses really inexpensively. There's always a news story about the women lining up hours before they open the doors and then ... well, it ain't pretty. They get really aggressive and push and shove and go for dresses - some acquire huge piles of floufy white and then swap with others to get something they want. Best wishes for you and your sister.
I think they had the Running of The Brides maybe a month or so ago.
Yay! Happy Birthday, juliana!
I have decided to be a little late to work in honor of your birthday.
OMG, I just signed Tom and I up for a cheesemaking workshop in Western MA, continuing my journey of being Salem's most annoying eco-foodie-yuppie. (yes, I read the Kingsolver book) (yes I am a sheep, BAAAA)
I'm hoping we got a spot in the Saturday class we signed up for.
Happiest of birthdays to you, juliana!!
Good morning.
Still fuzzy. Should I be applying for jobs when I'm fuzzy-headed? Hope so, 'cause I already did.
Emeline woke up last night from, I presume, bad dreams. Didn't want to crawl into bed with Aims and I, so I crawled into bed with Em.
Did you know bad dreams are contagious? I guess they are, 'cause I had a couple of screamers. Seriously, I woke up in the dark wondering if I had actually screamed. Emeline didn't wake up and nobody came running, so I presume I didn't.
Still have that weird "nightmares fucked up my reality perception" wonkiness.
Happy Birthday, juliana!
I just signed Tom and I up for a cheesemaking workshop
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
Blessed indeed.
Oh, I hate that feeling, MM. Hard to shake.