Good morning.
Still fuzzy. Should I be applying for jobs when I'm fuzzy-headed? Hope so, 'cause I already did.
Emeline woke up last night from, I presume, bad dreams. Didn't want to crawl into bed with Aims and I, so I crawled into bed with Em.
Did you know bad dreams are contagious? I guess they are, 'cause I had a couple of screamers. Seriously, I woke up in the dark wondering if I had actually screamed. Emeline didn't wake up and nobody came running, so I presume I didn't.
Still have that weird "nightmares fucked up my reality perception" wonkiness.
Happy Birthday, juliana!
I just signed Tom and I up for a cheesemaking workshop
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
Blessed indeed.
Oh, I hate that feeling, MM. Hard to shake.
Cheese is the perfect food.
MM, I hope you and Em both recover. I hate those night time nasties.
Olivia brought her shoes to me first thing this morning. I suspect I'm going to have to buy a bigger pair soon, though.
read read read skippity skip
Nice hair, Emily!
Happy Birthday, Juliana (and I do love your tattoo to pieces - can't remember if I've seen you to say so yet?).
Question to anyone who might have an opinion: Would it be worth buying Incubus's whole album on the basis of
Just because I love the song and it takes me to a happy SPN vid place?
Question to anyone who might have an opinion: Would it be worth buying Incubus's whole album on the basis of Drive? Just because I love the song and it takes me to a happy SPN vid place?
Which song is it? I could give a ten-second review...
Emeline's also feeling wonky, I think. She's curled up against me looking sad and spaced.
Hurgh. And it's raining outside, and I have no car. Taking her somewhere is now very problematic.
This shaping up to be a helluva day.
I just signed Tom and I up for a cheesemaking workshop
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
It's not mean to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.
Happy Birthday, Juliana!!!
Happy birthday, juliana! Many happy returns of the day, you sexy minx with the awesome tattoo.
Hope the day gets better, Miracleborns. It's juliana's birthday, there should be no no nightmare hangovers. What's the recommended dosage of fernet for toddlers, anyway?
So jealous of the cheesemaking workshop! It has been a dream of mine for 20+ years to have a small mixed herd of sheep and goats and make my own cheese and I have yet to make even part of that dream come true.