My cleaning last night was "OMG I have the whole house to myself for 6 days! It'll stay clean if I just do it now. Then, neat picked up house for six. whole. days."
It's really hard to type on the laptop with puppy trying to crawl into lap.
Love the Shirley Bassey
And now, I nap.
cleaning standards:
1)chaotic - which happens when I am sick or we are in the middle of some big project. Hopefully the bathroom is clean
2) normal - there is probably something that needs to be picked up or cleaned - but there is room for people sit if they stop by and things like the bathroom and kitchen are clean ( even if there are a few dishes to be done)
3) dinner/over night guest. All areas are clean but our bedroom and maybe the computer room. At the same time.
4) house concert - Furniture has to be moved - so hidden dirt/dust is found. and thing that can sparkle must sparkle - because there will be someone I have never met before there. and some things are hidden - like expensive whiskey and some of the guitars.
Right now the house is way closer to 1 then 2. and the gap between 1 and 2 is very wide
OMGWTF my mom's coming AIEEEEEEEEE!!!!! scrubscrubscrub
(Mom had a friend whose m-i-l was named Shirley. She was very white gloves. So it's known as Shirleying here.)
I just went to my (new job!) school's web site to look up someone's email address and they already have me listed as staff!!! Whee!!!!!! It's real! It says:
ChiKat, Speech/Drama, phone#, email
I'm gonna be a real teacher!!
In absolutely random news (we specialize in that here, right?) - I just realized K-Bug will be old enough to vote in the next presidential election.
Crap. How did that happen?
Juvie Hall today was meh. See my LJ if you want the breakdown (I'm fabby over there and I have to friend ya' if you want to read).
sorry about the meh. I buh-friended you. (i'm lala_lisa on the lj)
My house is so not clean. I blame the pets. And my laziness. And the fact that I live alone so nobody cares if I don't clean except me. If I could justify it, which I cannot, I'd totally get someone to clean my house.
If I could justify it, which I cannot, I'd totally get someone to clean my house.
I'm thinking of having someone come in quarterly to do the deep cleaning that I hate.
I've friended you, I'm Sowilo.
also, hivemind: i'm trying to think of a classier name than "closing luncheon". I know that there's a better term for it, but I'm just too tired to think of it.
We have a maid come every 2 weeks for $80. She does everything. Even if she does hide stuff from us, we love her very much. She saved our marriage, I'll tell you what.