Hope it works out, vw.
~ma for Fred and his family, both human and feline.
Still not feeling right but not wrong enough to stay home. Also, I only have like 3 more sick days and I'm not even halfway through the year! When did I use all of them up? Bah.
I too have a question for the hivemind- Tom and I are trying to figure out a good gift for his about-to-be 13 year old niece. She lives in Ireland. We've been on a big book kick with her- sent her a few of my faves from that age, including the first 3 Anne of Green Gables books. We've sent an iPod. We've sent video games. I'm not sure what to get her this year- 13 seems like an important year to commemorate. She just ahd her confirmation a few months ago, too, and we didn't really do anything for that at all.
Any thoughts?
vw bug, which quilt is yours in the auction?
It won't be listed till this afternoon. I'll be posting about it in Press.
Oh, I have no ideas, Nora. I suck at getting things for people I don't know. Also, poor you still not feeling well!
Nora - Clothes usually becomes a focus around 13. Hard to choose for her, but that was when K-Bug started asking for clothes over everything else.
Hivemind: does anyone have any recommendations for menswear for summer in a sticky climate?
seersucker or linen. But, I'm southern
Nora - Clothes usually becomes a focus around 13. Hard to choose for her, but that was when K-Bug started asking for clothes over everything else.
maybe a gift cert to H&M?
Hey, remember the rude guy at the real estate office? He got FIRED. Karma, beyotch!
remember the rude guy at the real estate office? He got FIRED. Karma, beyotch!
Was he fired for being rude and nasty? Or something unrelated to that flaw?
We didn't discuss it. I ran into my real estate guy last night, and he mentioned it.
oh yay! of course you realize the rude guy will probably end up in customer service somewhere ....
I heard something on the news this morning that a company that builds houses will let you trade in your old house. You don't get the best price, but you also don't have the hassle of actually selling it.
Nora, having had a 13 year old girl not that long ago, jewelry and gift cards for books or clothes were always high on her list (and still are).
Jilli! Love the hair.
meara, I don't know what to tell you, except ask her point-blank to go to coffee with you.
No idea on gifties for a 13-year-old.
{{{Anne & fam}}} Quick-recovery~ma.
Hivemind: does anyone have any recommendations for menswear for summer in a sticky climate?
Jos. A. Bank has some nice summer suits.
{{{{Fred, Hubs, Teddy, and kitties}}}} I'm so sorry.
Today will be my first day working out at the YMCA. I'm very excited.
meara, I don't know what to tell you, except ask her point-blank to go to coffee with you.
if you are nervous about asking her on a date, then ask her to join us for coffee, and I can either not show up, or leave early :) We'll work out a code phrase for "scram, I got this"