~ma for your grandpa, juliana.
I'm supposed to go see my hairdresser after work today. I'm not sure whether that will happen, since we set the date Saturday and I know she's probably had lots of stuff going on since then and she may forget.
I need to get over there though because in addition to needing my hair trimed and retouched, it's upstairs from where the Acid Cowgirl chick works.
I'm cutting my hair this weekend. Thick curly hair and 100-degree heat do not make Connie a happy woman. Sorry, I have no digital camera.
Spent 15 minutes wrestling with product this morning and was late to work. What I really want is a spray bottle of insta-glam so I can spritz my head and walk away, giving myself valuable extra seconds for happy funtime activities like, say, eating. Which hasn't happened yet this morning.
Hec can train you, and I will say the key is use just enough product, not wash it every day, and just reactivate with water in the morning.
I think Jilli should be the boss of us and we should make her a little plaque that says, "Boss of Us."
Hee! If I were Boss of Everyone, there would be scheduled naptime for everyone.
We could put little sparklies on it.
It would match my shoes! My pink sparkly peep-toe flats!
I know the difference between Portland and Seattle. I blame the drugs. And I totally need to get up north.
You absolutely should come up this way.
I left my subtlety at the door...
You have subtlety? Really?
You can borrow mine. I've got plenty, and apparently I'm not using it effectively lately...Or I can just be like Jilli and plan to tell the boy straight up...;)
Oh noes, not tell the boy straight up. I need my fix of dark chocolate huckleberry sticks and violet candies. Telling him puts that in jeopardy. *waves hands madly so this makes real sense*
~ma for your grandpa, juliana.
I'm working on cooking stuff that won't heat up the apartment. The slow cooker is very helpful. I've got some seitan cooking in there now. (Homemade seitan tastes better than store-bought, is WAY less expensive -- about $2 worth of ingredients makes two pounds of it; it costs about $5 for an 8 ounce package at Whole Foods -- and requires about 15 minutes of actual work. It takes forever to cook, but that's what the slow cooker is for.)
Hee! If I were Boss of Everyone, there would be scheduled naptime for everyone.
I vote Jili for Boss of Everyone! As long as the naptime is optional on days when I don't feel like it.
Hee! If I were Boss of Everyone, there would be scheduled naptime for everyone.
This is why Jilli can be the boss of me.
Well, and she does mean "smoky eyed" makeup.
And the clicky fire.
of reasons why Jilli can be the boss of me.
Oh noes, not tell the boy straight up. I need my fix of dark chocolate huckleberry sticks and violet candies. Telling him puts that in jeopardy. *waves hands madly so this makes real sense*
Telling him does NOT put that in jeopardy. Telling him means that there is a VERY GOOD chance that you would get to see him even more!
(Note the asscaps of mock-sternness there. Cower before them! ... Why are you giggling at me?)