I have made it to work, but feel as if I have forgotten something. I bet I feel like this all day, except when I'm feeling anxious to get home so I can get my work out in.
D.C. weather has changed, and it is cloudy but blessedly cool outside. Unfortunately, my office and the library are both hot because something went wonky with the air conditioning during some kind of power fluctuation yesterday on campus.
Cindy, I hope you find time for a little nap today.
We could put little sparklies on it.
Not at all caught up (although I see there were pictures of JZ hottness I have to find).
I dreamed about Regis Philbin and James Marsters last night. In the SAME dream. My brain is a confusing place.
Jilli's like Barney! "Haaaaave you met Cass?"
I would like to play the "have you met Ted" game with Jilli.
It would be LEGEN
I dreamed about Regis Philbin and James Marsters last night.
Please tell me there was no slash involved.
I think Jilli should be the boss of us and we should make her a little plaque that says, "Boss of Us."
I like this idea. My life could use a good non-work boss.
Hubs doesn't count because neither one of us is the boss, and the cats are only the bosses for cat-related things.
Please tell me there was no slash involved.
Good god, no.
I think Jilli should be the boss of us and we should make her a little plaque that says, "Boss of Us."
I'm in. Think what a wonderful place the world would be if Jilli were the boss of everyone!
Fred Pete, are you still looking for a second-opinion vet? The friends I was hanging out with in Va on Saturday have a vet they like who makes house calls.
I like the idea of Jilli as a boss - much more politeness, MUCH better dressed, and lots of sparkles and pink.