I did not skim. I skipped like a crazy to say thank you, Burrell! I had not seen the recall notice and we just recently got 4 of those cars for Aidan.
And since I'm here:
Jess, DZ is absolutely beautiful and I love his name. Congratulations to you and E on such superb baby-making skills.
Cass! Many happy returns of the day!
{{Fred-Pete}} I'm very sorry about Teddy. He's lucky to have you and Hubs.
Connie, (belated) congratulations on another year of wedded bliss.
If I missed anything, I'm very sorry. I've been kind of busy lately. I do skim when I can and vibe like crazy for everyone.
Happy birthday, Cass!
Guess what Emmett got me for Father's Day? He hit his first home run. We're not talking a triple-with-overthrow or inside-the-park job. This was a 210 foot fence clearing blast that bounced off the ass of a lady watching a game on the other field.
So the Eagles go to the semifinals tomorrow in Concord.
ION, I'm getting a sore throat.
Wow. Home run, with bonus ass-bounceage!
Guess what Emmett got me for Father's Day?
Wooooooooooooooot! That is very cool. Go Emmett!
Guess what Emmett got me for Father's Day? He hit his first home run.
Way to go, Emmett!
I saw a guy who looked like a closer-cropped but with a wee bit of facial scruff Christian Kane. I WANTS! It's my birthday, I wants!
Guess what Emmett got me for Father's Day? He hit his first home run. We're not talking a triple-with-overthrow or inside-the-park job. This was a 210 foot fence clearing blast that bounced off the ass of a lady watching a game on the other field.
Go Emmett!
Now that we've got this little guy full time, it looks like I'll be joining the midnight posting crowd what posts at midnight. Dylan has woken up to nurse tonight at 9...11...12...1...and still up.
Of course, he slept for 4 straight hours this afternoon, but did I sleep then? No. For I am a very stupid mom who did not plan ahead.
Well, as long as you've learned something from the experience.
t /teacher
I've just reserved a moving truck and trailer to move my stuff and my car to Indiana. Across mountains. And Kansas. By myself.
t sigh
You're welcome, Deena. I just think it's best to be on the safe side with that one.
((meara)) [::adds added charm-city window-breakage empathy::] are you still in baltimore? There's a window-glass company that makes house- [er] car-calls. I forget what the name is, but I can look it up in our files. We don't think they're the ones doing all the window breakage, btw. But if you need to, you can bring your car to Fells Point, and I can hang around to chat with the window guys. They've been a huge help two, um, three times since we moved here in '95.
ps - erikaj: that would be 'the greatest city in America' to you, hon.
t /hyperbole